competition [ leo x reader ]

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     "I present to you, Ashley Greggers, Daughter of Aphrodite and Jon Greggers, Son of Aphrodite!" Chiron said. You clapped, but Ashley was looking at Leo like he was the finest diamond she had ever dug up. Jon, well he was looking at you as if you were gold! What were you going to do?

     Ashley figured out Leo was your boyfriend and is challenging you to every camp activity to win him over. You couldn't believe this, but you had to do it anyway. Today's first thing is the lava wall. You climbed up the dangerous lava wall, you and Ashley on one side, Jon and Leo on the other. You were climbing rope ladders and Ashley was cutting yours! You sliced through her rope ladder and sent her falling down a few steps, landing on the ladder farther from you. You hurried up the ladder, jumping 3 steps at a time. You reached the top as Leo reached it, and you looked into his worried eyes. You two were around 20 feet off the ground, yet you couldn't have felt happier. Leo helped you up to stand, and you got up together, Chiron announcing you the winner of the lava wall. Ashley got to the top just then, batting her eyes and smiled at him and twirled her hair in a flirty way. "Back off, Ashley." You said, smacking her hand from her hair. You smiled as Ashley gave a dirty look at you. You had just beat the snitch.

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