bullies and boyfriends [ leo x reader ]

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     You and Leo were hanging out in the forest until the bullies appeared. They hated you, and they wanted to kill you- but you knew Leo would protect you. He cursed under his breathe, as if to alert you, and held you close to his chest, feeling his warmth. It made you sleepy, how cozy you were against Leo's soft shirt. "Leo... Your making me tired..." You said, yawning. "I'm sorry, Y/N. But, you should go to sleep. I'll deal with the meanies." He answered, looking down at you. He picked you up bridal style and softly kissed your forehead, and you drifted off to sleep.

       You woke up in the infirmary, being injured. "Wait.. What?" You said. You looked to the side of the bed, to see an adorable Leo leaned against the wall in a chair, holding your hand and drooling on his shoulder. You almost wanted to wake him- but he was just too adorable. You laid your head back on the soft pillow, reminding you of Leo's shirt, and slowly drifted off to a peaceful sleep. One, luckily, you will wake up from.

 Authors Note

This is just really small, to update for you guys! Honestly, The only reason I am even still on Wattpad posting stories is because most of the time I have AWESOME friends like you readers! You are ALL my friends, just remember that!


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