"I do, Leo. I do." [ leo x reader ]

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I know there is too much but...

AAGGGHHH!! I COULDN'T HELP IT! This is another Proposal one.. with a twist ;3


You've been dating your Repair Boy for 6 years. You started to go out with him when you were 15, and you both have come a long way.

   One day you and Leo were taking a walk in the park when Leo was attacked. A cheerleader, or Empousa, lunged at him and started to claw at his skin. "Leo!" You cried. You pried the cheerleader off after you got you (weapon of choice) and instantly forced it threw her spine. She turned into golden dust with a howl. "Y/N" Leo groaned. Blood was soaking through his torn shirt- and his chest was open. "Leo.... Please... don't close your eyes. We'll get you to the hospital!" you cried. I helped him up, and he stared right into your (e/c) eyes. "Y/N" he said under his breath. "Yeah Leo?" you asked, going faster. "Please... Hurry..." he said. You went even more faster.

    By the time you got to the hospital your shirt was soaked with his blood. Good thing it's a red shirt. you thought, even though you were very worried. The Apollo children had opened up a hospital right near the lane to camp, so you were covered, and you told the truth. They rushed him into a room immediately, knowing it will take a little more then just ambrosia to fix.


     You sat in the waiting room, crying your heart out. It was 2 in the morning, and you got to the hospital at 2 PM, which meant you were here for hours.  You were worried about him- and you didn't want anything to happen. Piper, Jason, and Annabeth were by your side. "Y/N?" a nurse called. You sprang from your chair. "Yes?" you asked immediately. "Umm... He... He didn't make it." the nurse said, slowly lowering the clip board in  her hands. You felt even more tears come out of your eyes. "He.. He... He-He's... gone?" you asked in a whisper. "Yes. If you want, you can follow me," the nurse said, and walked down the hallway. You followed her and walked into a room, and she closed the door behind you. You turned from the door to see the pale face of your boyfriend, and you could tell he was gone. You looked on the nightstand to see a piece of notebook paper. Curious, you walked over. Y/N was scribbled in Leo's handwriting on it. You picked it up and slowly opened the letter.

    Dear Y/N,

    I know if your reading this that probably means I'm dead. But we've been together for more then 5 years already, and I still love you. So, here is a question.

    Do you want to be Mrs. Valdez, even if I'm gone?

    ~Your Repair Boy

     You held the note and broke down, getting the paper wet. You looked by his name to see a beautiful wedding ring taped onto the paper. The diamond was the same color as your birthstone, and that's what really got you.  You gently placed the ring on your finger, and took Leo's tool belt off of the nightstand as well, and you held it close. "I do, Leo. I do." 

    Authors Note:

    ...Is there another character that would do this?

   ....Did you get the reference?

Anyways, Have fun crying... I know I am. 

....Right in the Honey Nut Feelios


I also take requests. Just tell me an idea- like, what character, or a scenario. I only go up to rated PG-13 guys. 

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