driving me crazy pt.3 & 4 [ leo x reader ]

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For cierra_elizabeth . I also like your Leo/Nico/PercyxReaders as well. 

Question: Do you guys want me to separate my Leo x Readers cause there are a looooot. 

Okay, back to the story XD

Leo's POV

I smoothed out my shirt, shaved, and messed with my hair. I was extremely nervous. Me and (Y/N) decided to wait a few weeks until the coffee date so I can get over Calypso. I was confident now that she was just in the past. I've been hanging out a lot with Y/N more and we're back to our quirky friendship, although it may just become a little something more. 

I took a deep breath and checked the time. Me and Y/N were meeting at around 11, and it was 10:30 am, so I better leave now. I grabbed my keys and looked around my apartment. I walked out and to my car, driving to the small cafe that nobody really went to. I got out and walked inside, looking around for a [Skin tone] girl. I found her, sipping from what was obviously fresh coffee. She looked out the window, and probably saw me through the reflection, as she turned with a smile and waved. I walked over and sat down, "Hey," I smiled. "Hey Leo!" she said happily. "I didn't know what you wanted, but I got you what you used to get a lot," she said, handing a cup of coffee into my hands. "Oh, I was actually going to order that, thank you, I'll pay you back for mine," I said. She shook her head, protesting against my debt, but I waved her to silence. 

We talked for quite a while before deciding to hang out at my apartment, since Y/N knew her daughter would be pestering me with questions. "How old is Esperanza?" I asked her, keeping my eyes on the road as I drove. "She's five now," the beautiful girl next to me answered, her eyes trained to look outside of the window. "So she's in school, aye?" I asked. "Yeah." "What does she look like?" I haven't met Esperanza yet, though I was eager to. "She looks a lot like you, actually." I smiled at the thought.  who knows, maybe she could look like my mom, Esperanza senior. 

When we got back to my apartment, I slowly turned the lock and walked inside. Y/N trailed behind me. "So, what do you want t- MMPH!" I was pinned against the wall by my date, who was kissing me with quite a lot of fierceness. I kicked the door closed and set my hands on her hips, kissing her back. Her lips were soft and tasted faintly of cherries. I began to move, mainly towards my bedroom as we basically snogged each others faces off. 

As I fell towards the bed, Y/N on top of me, my shirt was suddenly forgotten on the floor, and so was hers. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you too," I said, smiling. 

Let's just say, I had a lot of fun that night. 

Drivin' Me Crazy: Pt.4.

Soon you and Leo got together, and after a year you got married. Esperanza, at age 6, soon had a baby sister, who was quite a little ball of happy energy, until... 

It was late at night when she walked in. Your daughter Jace, who was 5 years old, walked inside. "Um, momma, I had a nightmare," she frowned. "Okay Jace, c'mere," you smiled. Jace walked over, her black hair (courtesy of her father) bouncing against her back. She climbed into bed, and you noticed she had tears coming down her face. "Do you want to talk about it?" you whispered, eyeing your sleeping husband carefully. Jace shook her head and turned to Leo, snuggling into his torso. "Papa's warm," she muttered, closing her E/C eyes. "I'd like to think so." At the sound of Leo's voice you jumped, making him chuckle. "What time is it?" he asked, aware that you've obviously not fallen asleep. "2:30 am," you said sheepishly. He sighed, extending his arm out. "You should sing a song, Papa, so we can sleep," Jace giggled. Leo thought for a second, and then started singing (Favorite slow-ish song). "That's one of my favorite songs," you sighed contently, being once again forever intoxicated by Leo's scent, which was the calming smell of a burning campfire. 

He smiled as he sang, and near the end noticed both Jace and you had fallen asleep. He kissed both of your heads and soon went back to peaceful dreams. 

When you woke up, you found that both Jace and Leo were gone. Of course Jace was, she was at school, but where was Leo? 

You got up and rubbed your eyes, walking out and into the kitchen, where you spotted Leo hovering over the toaster, putting waffles into it. You snuck up behind him and wrapped your arms around your love, smiling. "Good morning to you too," he said, turning around once he started the toaster. "I love you," you mumbled, digging your face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and smiled, "I know. I love you too." 

Leo drove you crazy, but it was a good crazy. A sweet, poetic crazy. And that's something you'll always say.

Leo's POV

Even though I didn't want to say it, Jace looked and acted a lot like her mother. Sure, she has my black hair and awkward posture, but she has Y/N's dazzling, sparkly eyes, her [S/T] skin, her sweet smile. I was proud that I could be the one who's married to Y/N. Looks like I had a good use for that ring that I was gonna use for Calypso. 

Y/N drives me wild, and that's something I'll always say.

Soooo, Troye Sivan?




*coughs* anyway thanks for uh, reading the Driving me Crazy thing, I guess, i dunno why not.

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