"leave us alone!" [ leo x reader ]

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Requested by kaykat246

Leo - Persassy Jackson returns and tries to ruin Reader(his sister) and Leo's relationship, cuz he's overprotective Of course he shall fail... Or will he?

Authors note: I don't really see Percy as the overprotective type, honestly. I see him as open-minded. Of course, if he/she/they hurt(s) her in any way, he'll beat the guy (or girl or beat them) to a fucking pulp. 

The raw possibility of me existing? 


But hey, That's my dad for you- a complete fuckboy in khaki's and a tropical print shirt. 

I laid in Bunker Nine, watching Leo as he worked. He looked cute, with grease smudged all over his face, which portrayed an extensive amount of frustration. Seeing this frustration, I got up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and laying my head on his shoulder, "what'cha makin'," I smiled. He sighed and dropped his screwdriver, setting his hands on my arms. "Nothing," he replied, looking up at me. "You tired?" I asked, seeing the bags under his eyes. "A bit, but I have to finish this first," he said. "Oh, c'mon, hot head, just one tiny nap." 

"You have to join me." 

"Will you sleep?"



I grabbed his hand and walked towards the couch that sat in the corner- for when Leo is about to drop from exhaustion. He almost collapsed onto it, holding the blanket up. I crawled in next to him, happy that the blanket was thin. Nyssa, who was sorting through tools in the corner, looked over and smiled before looking around. She was probably looking for something to do, since ya know- two people of the opposite sex and different cabin can't be alone. Camp rules 101. 

Leo fell asleep pretty quickly. His arms snaked around my waist, and his face was snug in my (hair color) hair. His warmth radiated around me, making my eyes droop. "Alright," I whispered, giving in. My eyes closed and I fell asleep. 

Later that evening I walked into the Poseidon cabin. "I don't understand what you see in Leo," Percy said I closed the door. "What do you mean?" I asked, sitting on my bed. "I just don't see it. He doesn't seem your type." "Well he is?" I replied, confused. "I heard he's still looking for Calypso," he muttered, messing with his pen. I frowned, "last time I checked he's not. I saw the navigation device get torn apart by himself." "Are you sure that's actually what it was? Could've been a decoy." "Percy-" "I just don't trust him, Y/N." 

I took a deep breath. "Percy. If he hurts me I'll allow you to rip his limbs off and make him beg for mercy, but he hasn't done anything that makes me doubt he likes me, okay? Just... stop." I grabbed a fresh wash of clothes and went to the showers. 

Even a week later, Percy wouldn't stop. I had told Leo, but whenever he tried talking to Percy, my brother acted like he didn't even notice Leo existed. "You don't have to be a dick!" I exclaimed. "I still don't trust him, sis." "Be a little open-minded, will you? What's he ever done wrong? How would you like it if someone told Annabeth not to trust you because you fell under some goddess' spell for like, three days?" I shouted. Percy looked at me, sea green eyes staring almost right into my soul. "I would feel annoyed." "That's exactly how me and Leo feel. Just LEAVE US ALONE!

Oh yeah I updated fite me m8

Also 4/20 don't blaze it because it's bad for your health huehue ouo


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