skyline [ jason x reader ]

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You took a deep breath, knowing it'd be your last one. 

Your whoooole life you wonder when your breath would be your last, and you found it. 

Of course, you didn't stage it. You didn't want any breath you took to be your last for a long time. But, it had to come eventually. 

You were pushed off one of the tallest buildings in California. The last thing you saw was the skyline before you shut your eyes, terrified of the darkness that is death. Where will you go? What will you do? (I THINK WE MADE SOMETHING, ENTIRELY NEW ok sorry any su fans though aaye)

Then everything stopped. 

You thought you hit the ground. The warmth that surrounded you was just the feeling to blood pooling around your body. You felt lightheaded, like your soul was floating away. 

"You're okay," you heard. You opened your eyes to see him, the stranger at the library. 

He hid away in the greek and roman parts, reading. He always pushed up his stupid golden glasses that framed his stupid gorgeous eyes. You were breathless, staring at him and not the ground. "How high are we," you whispered. "I assume we didn't take any drugs, so about 10 stories," he smiled gently. 

You were so happy you wanted to kiss him

and you did. 

You never questioned how he was able to float midair, you didn't really care. He saved your life that's all that mattered. 

That deep breath your took wouldn't be your last, for it was a new beginning. 

I tried rip I have v strong negative feelings for Jason Grace at the moment *coughs* okay bye read my book HARMONY please ok

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