stealing. [ connor x reader ]

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  "I dare you to steal something of your crushes" Your friend Delilah said. (Oh look, that's me.) Your eyes widened. "But..." You said. Delilah gave you a pouty look. "Fine." You snapped.

   You and Delilah slowly walked to the Hermes cabin. The other girls you were playing Truth or Dare with stayed behind, only because Delilah forced them too. You snuck through a window and slowly went towards Connor's belongings. You took around 2 light cardboard boxes the size of your head and handed them to Delilah. Then you slowly climbed out, and right as your feet hit the ground, you could hear the laughter of the Stolls. "GO GO GO!" You whispered, and both of you ran back to the Athena cabin, where you were playing.

   When you got back to the Athena cabin you excused yourself and walked outside to see Connor running around in a panic. He came to you. "Do you have any idea where some full cardboard boxes are? About this size?" He said, moving his hands to create the same dimension of the boxes you stole. "Umm... Why?" You asked. "Because they're important... very important." He said in a hurry. You twirled your (H/C) and began to think. "I think so." You said. You awkwardly backed away into Cabin 6, bumping into a door. Connor was watching your every step. You sprinted inside the cabin and grabbed the boxes.

     You came out with them and tripped, but Connor caught you and the boxes. When he made physical contact, your face must have been red. "Oops. Anyways, here." You said, handing the boxes over. Connor raised an eyebrow before mumbling a thanks, walking back to the Hermes cabin. Along the way, a small box fell out of his pocket. Curious, you walked over and opened the small box to reveal a glittering necklace, with a note.

      Dear YN,
      I like you.

      Authors Note

      Sorry this is sucky im sick. Appearantly Im allergic to cream cheese or oatmeal, im really not sure. But im super sick and on my tablet so umm... yeah.


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