"nice ass..." [ leo x reader ]

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You sighed, playing with your hair and swaying to the loud music in the house. Your school friends from college wanted you to have a good time, but they all ditched you for their dates, and were making quite the ruckus upstairs. Horny little shits, you thought. "Hello, M'lady," you heard. You turned to see a semi-attractive male, obviously a bit tipsy. "Hi," you said bluntly. He smiles shyly, rubbing the back of his neck, "You goz a nice ass," he muttered, blushing and looking at the ground. You snorted, "thanks. Could I get your name?" you asked. "Leo," he winked, taking her hand. "Wanna dance?" he asked. You rolled your eyes and took his hand, and you danced the night away.

Leo's Point of View. 

I woke up feeling groggy, a migraine slapping me in the face. It took me a little to realize I had gone to a party. I couldn't remember anything from last night, just... just a pretty girl. She had H/C hair and very pretty eyes, although I can't recall what color they were. I looked down to see I was, Fortunately, fully clothed. I got up and rubbed my eyes, reaching for my jacket, but instead I found a piece of paper. 

Hey, thanks for letting me borrow your jacket, I hope you don't get too cold. Text me: 764-343-9274 -Y/N

I smiled. That's her name, I thought. I grabbed my phone and started punching in the numbers, pressing it to my ear. "Uh hello, Y/N speaking." I recognized the wonderful voice from last night, under the mask of grogginess. "It's Leo," I said, tapping on my knees. I heard a pause and then a small chuckle, "Sorry, I'm hungover, I remember you." 

We made plans to meet the next day, and my heart skipped a beat.

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