self harm [ leo x reader ]

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WARNING: deals with adult themes (as seen in title)

   You laid in your bed, looking at the ceiling. You were sweating because you were wearing a long sleeved shirt- but you only wore them for a reason. You cut yourself because you just thought you weren't worthy of life. You hated yourself, this is true. You thought about a new reason andwalked into the bathroom, sitting on the floor. Your siblings don't know you hurt youself, not even Leo. You grabbed the hidden pocket knife and made one clean slash on her wrist, crying in pain. You dragged yourself to the bed where you cleaned your wrist off, and slept.

  Leo's POV  

I walked over to (y/n)'s cabin, hoping to wake her up early. I walked into her cabin to see she was bed- but her siblings were gone- probably at breakfast, they are the cabin that comes super early. I walked over to see she was wearing LONG SLEEVES! I slowly lifted her sleeves so she wouldn't get to hot, and saw- oh my gods, y/n's cutting herself!

   Your POV 

  You woke up to see a worried face peering down at you. Leo. What is he doing- wait a minute. You realized he lifted your sleeves and saw the scars, and you started to cry. No one was supposed to know and now you probably just lost the person you loved the most. "Shhh, y/n. Don't cry. Why are you cutting yourself?" Leo said, picking you up and cradling you. "Because I hate myself! I'm a no body!" You cried, and Leo simply pressed you more firmly, as if you were going to dissapear if he put you down. "No, your not. Your an awesome girl, y/n. I love you enough to where you couldn't hate yourself." Leo said, resting his chin on the top of your head. You continued to cry as he slowly rubbed your back, calming you down. "I'm sorry, Leo." You said, still sobbing. "It's okay. Just, don't make yourself uncomfortable wearing long sleeve shirts in the summer. It's not safe."

 "Okay. And I love you too." You croaked, kissing Leo's cheek. You stood up and changed, washing your wrists. Hopefully, if Leo did it right, you just woke up to a new life.

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