driving me crazy pt.2 [ leo x reader ]

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Requested by @snakitten 

Leo's POV

It's been so long since I talked to her. At first, it was awkward, I mean I didn't know she liked me. Then we stopped talking. We went on with our lives. 

I was stuck in the past, and I think my girlfriend knew that. She started going out with friends more, and I didn't really care, until I got a text from Piper. 

"You might wanna see this. I'm so, so sorry Leo." 

Attached was a video. I watched it, and my heart sank. Calypso, with all her beautiful glory, was talking to a boy, and even kissed him. Piper then told me that she did this a lot, but Piper didn't want to hurt my feelings. 

Maybe I did choose the wrong person. 

I looked over at my closet, where one single empty hanger was, in the mix of other various jackets I owned. I took a deep breath and went through the contacts on my phone. I looked at our secret word, which I kept as the contact name on my phone. It showed the date I last called her, which was about six years ago. I took a shaky breath, and put my phone down. I couldn't deal with this right now. "Leo?? Are you okay?" my girlfriend asked, opening the bedroom door. She was still in her swimsuit from her day at the beach, her auburn hair thrown into a bun. "Get out," I whispered. "What?" she said. "Piper showed me a video of you kissing a guy, Calypso. If you didn't like me, just break up with me. It would hurt me a lot less. Get out," I cried. She bit her lip, guily written all over her. "Can I at least get my stuff?" she asked. "Yeah." 

"Leo, I'm sorry. I was planning on doing it, but you were always super excited the days I tried to tell you and I-" I rose my hand, signaling for her to be quiet. I clicked the call button and pressed my phone to my ear. 

"L-Leo?" I smiled through the tears that streamed down my cheeks. She answered. "Hey, (Y/N), I um.. I want to catch up soon... if that's okay." 

"Leo, are you crying? I can hear it through the phone, don't lie to me," she said. I heard her sigh, "Yeah, we can catch up, How about we go for coffee or something? I-if your girl-" "Ex." "Oh... Oh, Leo," she gasped, obviously figuring out why I was in a bad mood. "I'll be over in about five minutes. I'll bring Ice cream and the Lion King." I laughed, "I'm not a girl, (Y/N)" "Hey! It'll make you feel better, I promise." "Okay, see you in five minutes," I said. She said a goodbye and hung up. I put my phone down, watching Calypso silently pack up her stuff. She obviously knew she did wrong, but she seemed completely relieved. "I feel like you're my brother, Leo, that's why," she said quietly. "There's nothing wrong with that. (Y/N) will be here soon, and I don't think she'll keep her fists away from your face if she see's you," I said, smiling. I wiped the pathetic tears from my face. 

So much for proposing to her. 


A knock at the door startled me. I fixed my shirt and opened it to reveal and very beautiful girl. (Hair Type) (Hair Color) hair, which was in a quick ponytail. She looked as though she had hurried to get ready, wearing shorts and a random t-shirt from a lake or something. "Hey," she said quietly, staring at me. I smiled, "Hey." 

Your POV

Holy crap. 

He was even cuter then you remembered. 

You couldn't help but stare into his chocolate eyes. Whoever came up with the idea that brown eyes were ugly was very very wrong. You fidgeted with the ice cream and the movie and walked inside. "This place hasn't changed," you smiled. It shocked you that Leo was still in the same apartment, not even in a house, married with his girlfriend and settled down. You got a text from your babysitter, and quickly answered. "Who are you talking to?" Leo asked. "Oh, my babysitter for my daughter," you said. "So you're married then?" Leo asked. "Oh hell no, I haven't dated anybody. I adopted her from the orphanage. Sweet little thing," you smiled. "What's her name?" Leo asked. "Her birth name is Esperanza, so I just stuck with it. Why?" "Nothing, I was just asking," Leo said. "Okay." 

You guys didn't really talk much after that, mostly just small "How are you doing"'s and "I can't wait for the movie." It was extremely awkward, but Leo knew you liked him. In fact, right now you're falling in love with him all over again. You played the movie and sat next to Leo, opening the tub of ice cream and Leo handing you a spoon. 

By the end of the movie, the ice cream was gone and you both laid back. "I missed you," Leo said, laying his head on your shoulder in an endearing way. "I missed you too," you said. "I have an answer to your question," he said. "What question?" "Yeah, we can go out! Want to go get coffee or something sooner or later?" Leo asked. "W-What?" "I answered your question. If you don't like me anymore, that's okay, but I would like to at least go on a coffee date," he said, blinding you with a smile. You laughed, "sure, Valdez, we can go get coffee. Now, I need to go, I don't have a lot of money to pay the baby sitter." You stood up and Leo stood up too, opening the door for you. "Good night," Leo said as you walked out. You hugged him, breathing in the intoxicating scent of burnt firewood and metal. "See you later," you smiled, and walked home into the night. 

And, hopefully, just hopefully, Leo could smelt and forge your heart back together. 

Snakitten asked for a part two so I made it a happy ending. Yaaay. 

Any requests? comment below. 


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