"You scared me!" [ nico x reader ]

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[ originally written july 11th, 2014 ]

[ updated june 25th, 2018. ]

One day you decided to get McDonald's. After you did so, you climbed a tree and began to slowly attack the number of fries you had in the slightly-damp to go bag. As you did so, you began to wait for your company; Nico di Angelo, one of your best friends and one of the boys you may or may not have a crush on.

It was sort of ironic- a girl afraid of the dark loves a boy that controls it. Dating him would be an adventure you didn't want to go on- however, you loved him. Not his power.

"Hey Y/N!"

Speak of the devil.

He stood there, his hands in his pockets, looking towards the sky. He leaned against the tree you were in, one foot glued securely into the trunk. The casual pose did something to your heart- causing it to speed up and beat louder in your chest. How could he make it look so good?

"Hey, Nico Nico Nee," you said with a bright smile, chuckling when he gave you the disgusted look he gave every single time you called him that. You gently tapped the beat of the song stuck in your head on your leg as you turned towards him. "What's that you're not reading?" he questioned, motioning to the unopened book you brought with you just in case you got bored. "A book," you answered. "What are you reading?" you asked back. "Your expression," Nico said with a light-hearted wink. "Whatever," you said, rolling your eyes and packing up your stuff.

You jumped out of the tree and landed hard, taking another fry from the bag. He plucked it out of your hands and ate it before you could. "Do you trust me?" he said. "I don't know, I mean I trusted you to not eat my fries and look what happened," you replied, an eyebrow raised. He rolled his obsidian eyes, "C'mon."

He grabbed your free hand and led you somewhere you didn't know. "Where are we going?" you asked every couple of seconds, feeling impatient not knowing where you going. "Do you want to go the fast way?" he said, an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, sure," you said, not realizing what he meant.

Suddenly, his strong arms wrapped around you and you felt the air sucked out of you as your world was suddenly shrouded in darkness. "It's okay," he whispered, feeling your anxiety rise. It was slightly less, with his arms around your body, but It was still something you couldn't just forget. "Nico," you choked out, the name lost to the absence of air.

When you stopped moving, It was still pitch black. "Where are we? Nico?" you questioned, scared as hell until a small click sound and the light fell upon a very cozy looking living room. "My apartment, sorry the lights were off," he laughed. "You..."

"YOU IDIOT! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH YOU SCARED ME... " You continued to scream and curse and scold him for his rude behavior, and you felt his regret settle in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around you in a hug. "I'm sorry," he said softly, the apology genuine. You huffed and continued to scold him, telling him how much you were scared of the dark. He sat down, his eyes drooping. "Y/N, I'm quite tired..." he said, getting into a lying position and going to sleep.

You sighed, sitting down and leaning back against the cushion, and found yourself falling asleep as well.

After you had fallen asleep, Nico got up and laughed. "Goodnight, Y/N," he said melodically. His boyfriend, Will Solace, walked into the room with a bag of groceries. "Did you shadow travel here?" Will said, putting the bag down. "Nico, you didn't scare the poor girl, did you?"

Nico shrugged, "Maybe."

Thank you so much for 100k views! This was updated to my current writing style, even though it was originally written a long time ago.

"Heytheredelilah56" (lmao jk its rynn ♥ ) 

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