still into you [ any x reader ]

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   You and _____ have been together for 3 years. You didn't know what to expect anymore, but you still loved him to death. Your love was put on the line a lot, but that didn't matter, you had each other, and that was all you needed.

   Today he was taking you to a picnic. Again, not knowing what to expect, you just went in your camp clothes, but still took a shower, put on make-up if you do, and made yourself look okay. You both were 18, so you didn't know what was going to happen. Could he propose? You thought. A couple or two got married at 17 and 18, and you didn't know what you would do. I mean, you have been together for three years, through thick and thin. He was your first kiss, and most certainly your last. "Hey, Y/N!" he shouted. He softly held your hand. "Ready to go?" He asked. You softly kissed his cheek. "Yes." 

   You were lead through the forest, unaware of what he was going to do. He had one hand in his pocket and was biting his lip, which you knew he sometimes does when he's nervous.

    {This is if your dude is Leo}  His skin was getting hotter by the minute. Soon, Leo would probably catch on fire. You stopped him and he looked at you. "What's wrong?" he asked. You stood on your tip-toes and softly kissed him. "Calm down, hothead," you said in a small voice. You felt his hand go back to the regular temperature and you kept walking.

     All you could do was wonder what is in his pocket. Was it a... stop-watch?  A phone? A key? What? You finally got to the picnic to see it was just like a normal picnic. "Let's go!" you shouted, skipping towards the blanket. But in the back of your mind, you still wondered what he was so worried about in that pocket.

     After your picnic, he said he had a suprise for you, and to close your eyes. You closed them, and for a moment you didn't know what to do. "Alright, Y/N, you can open them." he said. You slowly opened your eyes to find _____ kneeling on the ground, a ring in his hands. "Y/N L/N, even after 3 years, I am still into you, I still get nervous on our dates, I still get butterflies in my stomach when you kiss me, so how about it- Y/N, will you marry me?" he asked. You were in tears at this point, and sniffed. "Yes."

     Authors Note



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