silly little imp. [leo x reader]

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> A/N: Hello :)

Drowsiness washes over you as you lay in a half-awake state, the smell of grease and smoke comforting after a long day. A soft blanket surrounds you as you welcome sleep, relaxed with the person you happened to like. 


Poke poke.

"Meow," you hear. You annoyingly open one eye to find Leo's finger going for your side again, another cat sound on his lips. You swat him away, groaning as you pull the blanket over your face. 

"Do you want attention, silly cat?" you say, your voice heavy in 'i-want-to-go-to-sleep-please.' 


"Leo," you groan, shoving your face further into his side, hoping- just hoping- it might work to drown out the noise. 




"Okay! Okay! You stupid cat," you chuckle, moving the blanket out of the way with your sleep disrupted. Leo looks at you with big, warm eyes, his head tilting slightly. 

"Do you want to cuddle while you sleep?" he asks gently. 

"Seriously?!? Just come here, you dork." 

Leo immediately pounces towards you, arms finding their way around your waist as he snuggles his face in your stomach. He calms down, the pressure causing you to also find your way back to your rest. "You don't have to ask," you say while you yawn, drifting off. You hear a grumble back at you, but are unable to discern it as sleep pulls you under.

Silly little imp. 

> A/N: I was thinking about moving this fic onto AO3 (Archive of our own). Let me know your thoughts. I probably won't be revising any earlier sections, and I don't know if I'd really ever steadily add more. I may move them around so that they're ordered by who the x reader is, though? 

I'm not sure.

Anyways, I hope this update brings you joy and you have a good week :) 

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