food [ nico x reader ]

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 You didn't like Nico for the following reasons.

  One- he didn't eat anything. 

  You could eat an entire Argo II if you wanted to- but all he ever ate was a grape or too. "Come on Nico, just eat already!" you exclaimed as you bit down on your (Insert favorite pizza topping here) pizza. "Y/N, you don't think I eat much because you eat like a pig," he grumbled, slowly pulled a grape from his bowl. "Nico, you eat like an Aphrodite child on a diet." "Butt face." "Skeleton Head." The argument went on and on, and eventually you gave up, called him a female dog, and stomped back into your room.

   The next few days you strangely had the urge to not eat so much, so you didn't- and also, Nico started to eat more.

    A week or two of not talking to each other and you tyhought about what happened. Nico isn't self concious. "Did he do this for me?" You thouhght aloud. you shrugged and went to sleep, not believing the fact- but, it was true. He did it because he loved you.

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