Rule 13-11

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Rule 13: Don't fight your headspace

Ever since Peter had made a list of rules for Tony to follow when little, things had been pretty much smooth sailing.
While In his headspace, Tony was always so shy and kind, and Peter wouldn't have to worry about him breaking any rules he had set.

The only thing is, Tony had a small issue when trying to follow rule 13.
Although he had managed to slip fully into his little headspace a couple of times now, Tony still occasionally had an issue with being little on the weekends.
He would usually try to push it away or slip halfway into his headspace, but then become his usual annoying brainiac self whenever Peter tried to hold him or give him a bottle.
Not to mention, being between headspaces could cause pain for a little and Peter had often seen Tony cry or groan in pain when he was stuck between being big and small.
Eventually, Peter decided he'd had enough of seeing his little boy in pain and that he would try all in his power to get Tony to stop fighting his headspace.

His plan started at 5pm on a Friday, a little over a month since Peter had first discovered Tony was a little.
According to their deal, Tony was to only be little on weekends, but Peter always tried to get him to slip a little bit earlier so that he could enjoy a good nights rest in his headspace.

Peter had just scanned his door card and walked into Tony's private lab where he knew the genius would be.
When he spotted Tony, he was was hunched over in his chair and twiddling with random pieces of metal on his desk.
As he looked at the man, Peter could tell by Tony's scrunched up face and sweat covered brow that he was currently fighting his little side, which rule 13 clearly stated not to do.
Peter snuck up behind Tony and spun his chair around fast, quickly scooping the very startled little into his arms, holding him tightly.
"Ahh-P-Peter!" Tony screamed at the sudden motion.
Peter smiled.
"Hey baby, it looks like your having some trouble with your headspace," Peter spoke softly.
Tony squirmed around in Peter's tight hold, unable to get away which was a clear sign that he was slipping as adult Tony would've escaped easily and thrown Peter to the opposite side of the room without any struggle.
"P-Peter, I'm not-"
Peter shushed Tony with his hand and rocked him back and forth slowly.
"Ah-ah-ah, what's rule 13 again?"
Tony's face turned slightly red.
"D-don't fight heads-spaces..."
Peter smiled sweetly and quickly pulled out a Captain America chewer from the pocket of his dark blue jeans, pushing it through Tony's parted lips.
"Exactly, so don't try and be big. Just relax and be as little as you want, you deserve it."
Peter continued to smile as he noticed Tony's eyes slightly droop, another clear sign that he was slipping.
"Now," Peter continued.
"I bet it was fun messing around with your little toys in here, but how about we go get you a nice, warm bath to get all of the icky dirt off of you, and then I can make you a bottle and we can watch a movie together?"
Tony showed a slight face of curiosity and nervousness.
He looked down.
"F-foppy?" he gently asked through the chewer in his mouth."
Peter chuckled. Foppy was what Tony liked to call his small red fox stuffed animal.
"Of course, once you get a bath, you can have Foppy."
Tony gave a small smile through his pacifier which only made Peter grin even more as he made his way out of the lab while holding the little and walked down the hall, riding the elevator up to Tony and Peter's floor.
Then, Peter walked into Tony's room and towards his bathroom, placing Tony on the sink counter as he started the warm bath.
After waiting a minute, Peter shut off the water and poured some bubble bath solution into the now filled bathtub before turning around and walking back over to the little who was nervously chewing his pacifier while kicking his feet back and forth over the edge of the counter.
"Alright buddy," let's get you into the bath," Peter spoke as he made quick work of undressing the little from his machine oil covered clothes before lifting him up and placing him in the tub, much to Tony's displeasure, booping his pacifier before walking back to the sink and opening a cabinet below it.
In that cabinet, Peter pulled out some bath toys, a small pirate ship, a classic yellow rubber duck, and a small blue fish.
Tony watched curiously and partly excitedly as Peter brought the bath toys over to the bathtub and let them float on top of the soapy water.
Peter chuckled as Tony picked up the pirate ship and admired it closely.
"What can I say, good boys get surprises."

For the next 15 minutes, Tony sat in the soapy water, playing with his toys with a large smile as Peter carefully and softly washed the dirt and grime from his hair and skin.
Eventually, Peter pulled the plug and quickly scooped Tony into a light purple towel, tickling the little slightly, making him giggle as they made their way over to the hidden little section in Tony's closet.
There, Peter pulled out a simple dark green and yellow onesie, a diaper, and of course, Tony's little fox.
After dressing the little all up and handing him his fox which he happily took into his arms, Peter lifted Tony and began to walk out of Tony's room and into his private movie room (yes, he has one of those) where the other Avengers were sure not to come.
Peter sat down in one of the couch chairs and placed Tony between his legs, wrapping one of  his arms around him and using the other to type some numbers into the key pad on the chair's armrest, which made a bottle of protein milk and a sparkling water appear from the seat.

Ah, Peter just loved some of Tony's inventions.

Then, he picked up a small black remote and clicked a button, bringing the large movie screen in front of them to life.
"So," Peter spoke while pressing a couple more buttons.
"What do you want to watch, little one?"
Tony looked down a fiddled with his fingers nervously.
"I-I don' know, I soww'y," he muttered quietly.
Peter rubbed Tony's shoulder.
"It's okay little one, I have a movie in mind I think you'll love."
And with that, the lights in the room dimmed and the movie began.
The first Tinker-Bell movie.

As Peter had expected, Tony was in awe the entire time the movie played, giggling whenever the faries would fly across the screen and whimpering whenever something scary would happen. Peter laughed along with Tony Tony as well as held him tightly during the sad parts. He loved how much Tony was enjoying the movie, it was one of the only times he seemed to be fully in his headspace.

About 20 minutes before the end of the movie, Peter noticed Tony's eyes drooping closed. He gently shifted Tony into a bridal position in his arms and lifted the protein milk bottle, bringing it to the little's lips.
Tony was so absorbed in watching the movie that he barely noticed or reacted to Peter pulling out the pacifier and replacing it with the bottle.
As Tony watched the movie, he gently suckled on the baby bottle as Peter supported his head.
However, after a while  Tony's eye lids got so heavy that he closed them and curled into Peter.
"Pa'a?" Tony mumbled while his eyes remained  shut.
"Yes bunny?"
"A'e fawies weal?"
Peter smiled and kissed Tony's forehead.
"They are real as long as you believe they are."
Tony, satisfied by Peter's answer, curled tighter into a ball and relaxed.
Peter ran his fingers through the little's hair and hummed.
"Baby? How old are you right now?"
Tony, half asleep slightly raised one of his fingers making Peter grin.
Before. Tony was never able to answer that question as it would always cause him to get stuck in between headspaces.
But now, Peter's little boy was fully his little boy and as Peter rocked the little to sleep in his arms, he couldn't have felt happier.

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