The Plan-21

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Short chapter, but it sets the plot for the big plan 👌

"So...all you want me to do is portal into the lab and coax him out?"

Currently, all of the main Avengers were seated at a large, pearly white table in the tower's main meeting room, Dr. Stephen Strange among them.

After Peter had made his discovery the other night, he immediately called for an Avengers meeting, and swung himself through the darkness, all the way over to the New York Sanctum, begging Stephen to come with him.

After managing to drag the older man along, with the assurance that Wong would guard the sanctum till he returned (recently there had been a lot of attacks, and both of the sorcerers were on edge), Peter and Stephen portaled  their way back to the tower.

Once everyone had gathered together, some being a little less thrilled to be awoken at such an early hour than others, Peter—who was sitting between Stephen and Steve—began to recite his vivid dream, and then his 'master plan' of having Dr. Strange portal into the lab and grab Tony.

"I have two questions," Stephen spoke up, once Peter was done rambling about his idea.
The Avengers turned to face him.

"What are you confused on, Mr. Strange?" Peter said, maybe a little to fast.
However, no one could blame him, he was just exited to have his little back.

When a caregiver lost their little, it was if something inside them snapped. Depending on the person, it could mess with their attitude, making them more aggressive, more vulnerable, or, in Peter's case, more anxious.

"Well," the sorcerer spoke again, trying to ignore the fact that his cloak was tugging at his shoulders, while it tried to move away from Thor, who was sitting next to him, and was attempting to grab the red material.

"First off, why did you spend so much time giving a whole lecture on what to do, when you could've just told me to portal into the lab to begin with?"

Peter may have blushed a little.


"Don't worry kid," Stephen spoke, interrupting him.

"It was a rhetorical question."

That only made Peter even more embarrassed.

"My actual question though," Stephen said, turning his gaze to look directly at Peter.

"Why do you want me to go and get him. He's never seen me while he's been little, and although we're on good terms, I'm not sure he thinks of me as a 'great friend.' Why can't I just portal you, or Rogers, or anyone else in there instead?"

Peter slightly frowned and lowered his head, trying to think of the best way to put it.

Luckily, Steve beat him to it.

"Well, when Tony ran away from me and Peter, he thought that we were mad at him, or upset at him for making us upset if that makes sense."

The sorcerer nodded.

"That being said," Bruce continued from across the table, adjusting his glasses like a college professor would do.

"If he was scared that we were all mad at him for telling us a bit of his past, then I don't think he would react good to us suddenly appearing next to him. He might freak out, expecting punishment or something."

"Yeah," Peter said, finally getting the confidence to speak again.

"So we need a neutral party to go in there and calm him down before we bring him out. And you'd be good at that, right? I mean you are a care...wait, what is your classification anyway?"

Peter could've sworn that he saw Strange's eyes flicker with anxiety for a moment.

"Well...let's just say it's complicated."

"What's so complicated?" Clint spoke up, twiddling his thumbs on the table.

"I mean, you can only be one of 3 things: a neutral, little, or caregiver. So, what are you? Do you even have a classification?"

The others nodded in agreement.

Stephen stood up abruptly, strands of his dark hair covering his eyes which were facing the floor.

"I said it's complicated. I'll explain later, but for now, stop interrogating me when we've got more important stuff to do."

"Yeah guys," Peter spoke up after a moment of silence.

He had a suspicion that Dr. Strange was hiding something, but he could get to that later. For now, he needed his baby boy back.

"Mr. Strange is right. Enough waiting. Let's get started on operation 'Save Mr. Stark.'"

Natasha snorted and smirked.

"Is that really the best mission name you can think of?"


Hidden littles- Tony Stark Where stories live. Discover now