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Just want to say sorry In advance for people who like Wanda cuz she is amazing, but someone in this story has to be the troublemaker.
— I'm also trying to start writing longer chapters 😀——
Warning: Fighting and blood

Today was Tuesday, 11:32 in the morning to be exact.
As per agreement, Tony was in his usual sarcastic adult headspace, and good thing he was too.
The night before, two big events happened.
One: Ned and MJ had practically dragged Peter into having a best buds day out, own which included going to the city's annual circus, visiting the opening of New York City's biggest underwater aquarium, all before ending the day off with a stroll through Central Park.
With all of this going on, by 7 in the morning when the others woke up, Peter was long gone.
He had been extremely worried to leave Tony alone and made him promise to call him immediately if anything happened, but Tony insisted that he would be alright and that Peter was free to run off and be a normal teenager for once.
Two: Wanda, one of the other few little Avengers had decided to slip into her headspace. Normally, she and Vision or others were off somewhere else so the Avenvers didn't often get a chance to see the regressed adult.

But that was a good thing.

Wanda was what you would call, too much to handle. She was perhaps the rudest and most stubborn person while it little space if you could even call it that because when regressed, she was only a few years younger than her normal age.
If you were on her good side, it was decent, other then a few snarky comments or eye rolls, she was pretty chill and didn't really bother you.

But Tony was not on her good side.
Ever since he'd walked into the common room one morning chugging a cup of strong, black coffee just after Steve and Clint had managed to reason with her that 'kids shouldn't have coffee' Wanda had had it out for him.

Today, regressed Wanda was in the hands of the Avengers and just Tony's luck, he, along with Steve, Clint, and Natasha, were the main ones in charge of watching over her.
Plus, Tony wouldn't admit it to Peter despite it breaking one of the little rules Peter had made for him, but he could already tell when he woke up in the morning that his hold on his big headspace was straining.
Last night, Tony had suffered through another painful nightmare about his former and now deceased caregiver, Obadiah Stane. Nightmares, especially relating to his headspace usually resulted in Tony slipping during the night and waking up all teary-eyed and shook.
However, Tony fought his little side so that way he wouldn't have to ruin Peter's exiting day with his friends.
After a couple minutes of sucking his thumb and crying to quietly, Tony had composed himself enough and went over to the tower's main floor to deal with Wanda.

Currently, Tony, Steve, Clint, Wanda, and Natasha were all huddled together on the common room's large, leather couch, eating popcorn and watching a very boring and cringy teenage love life movie that Wanda had insisted on watching which was about a girl falling in love with a boy who turned out to be a ware-wolf who was the son of the ware-wolf king who had fallen ill. The ware-wolf son was soon to receive the thrown meaning he would have to be separated from his human high school sweet heart forever.
At least that's what Tony got from the 3 hour long movie they were current sitting through.
Wanda was sitting in the middle of the sofa, Steve on the right, Natasha on the left, and Clint and Tony on the ends. It would make sense that Tony was as far away from Wanda as possible. In fact, at first Wanda didn't even want Tony to watch the movie, but the others had managed to convince her to let him join (not that Tony really wanted to).
In the end, Wanda had settled for making Tony her own personal servant, having him deliver drinks, popcorn, sweets, blankets, and making him occasionally massage her back.

Currently, they were about 2 out of 3 hours into the movie and Clint was asleep, Natasha was surprisingly entertained, Steve was admiring the camera quality, Wanda was stuffing her face with popcorn while occasionally being generous enough to share a piece or two with Steve and Natasha and also occasionally chucking one at Tony's forehead, and Tony was staring at the wall, taking very long blinks.
"Aye, tin can!" Wanda yelled over to Tony, snapping him out of his daze.
"Wha-hm?" He mumbled while rubbing his eyes.
Wanda scowled.
"This bucket of popcorn is almost gone," she spoke, shaking the popcorn bucket in her hand to state her point.
"So go make me another one! And be quick!"
"Manners?" Steve questioned while sighing.
"As if," she spat back.
Steve didn't even try to press because he knew that Wanda would never openly be polite to Tony. Instead, he buried his head into the cushions of the couch.
Tony grumbled and stood up off the couch, slowly trudging over to the kitchen and grabbing another bowl from one of the white wooden cabinets, as well as a microwaveable bag of popcorn.
"Hurry it up!" Wanda yelled from the other room as Tony placed the bag in the microwave and set the timer for 2 minutes.
Tony stared at the bag of popcorn as it slowly expanded with every kernel pop and when the timer was done and the microwave beeped, he quickly grabbed the bag out and managed not to burn himself while dumping it's contents out into the big green bowl.
Then, he picked the popcorn up and walked back over to where the others were, handing the popcorn over to Wanda who ripped it from his hands harshly.
"Get out of the way," she spoke the second Tony handed her the bowl.
"Remember, be nice Wanda," Natasha muttered next to her while watching the movie intently.
Wanda simply rolled her eyes and reached for a piece of popcorn as Tony sat back down.
When she bit into the fluffy buttered piece however, she immediately spat it out and screamed.
"You IMBECILE!" Wanda yelled, standing up harshly and pointing an accusing finger at Tony, startling Clint awake and making Natasha and Steve flinch.
"This popcorn is practically on fire! Look what you did, I burned my tongue because of you!"
Wanda stuck out the tip of her tongue to reveal part of it to be turning a different shade of pink.
"You did this on purpose!" Wanda spat, throwing the bowl of popcorn at a startled Tony, showering him in butter and kernels.
"Wanda!" Steve stood up, grabbing her shoulder.
Wanda simply shoved Steve away.
"Oh get off!"
Tony stood up and dusted some of the popcorn off of his clothes before turning to Wanda.
Normally, he would have something sarcastic and threatening to say to a stuck up Wanda, but as of now, he was feeling too out of it to even think of a snarky response.
"Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry, didn't mean it." Tony spoke. "But next time maybe you should be more careful before you-"
Wanda walked up to Tony and slapped him hard across the face on his cheek, making him stumble backwards and leaving a red mark instantly, making the others behind Wanda gasp.
"I hate you, I hate you. I HATE YOU!" Wanda screamed, pulling Tony by the hair."
"Ouch-watch it!" Tony shrieked while trying to rip his hair free, but also trying not to hurt Wanda in the process.
"Wanda that's enough!" Clint spoke from behind her, coming out of his sleepy daze, and making his way over to the raging girl.
But Wanda didn't care.
"Ive hated you from the moment I laid eyes on You Stark," she spat.
"Always trying to be the big man, always recking people's lives, always wrecking my life."
"I-I don't get what your talking ab-"
Just like that, in not even a moment's notice, Wanda shot him with a wall of magic and Tony flew 8 feet across the room, slamming into the stone fireplace and immediately crumbling to the floor,  banging the front of his head on a stone slab in the fireplace during the process.
"Tony!" The other Avengers yelled.
Natasha and Clint immediately went over and seized a screaming and furious Wanda while Steve ran over to Tony's side and lifted the man's face up.
"Tony! Are you alright!?" Steve shouted worriedly.
Tony's head hurt like hell, and he was feeling super dizzy. He brushed a hand over his head and brought it back to find it covered in red.
"Tony? Tony? Stark, answer me," Steve continued, pulling the shorter man to a more comfortable sitting position.
Tony could answer, it wasn't like his voice was broken. But he didn't trust what would come out of it if he did.
He had been battling his little side this entire day, but a face full of popcorn and a wall slam with a blow to the head had him falling rapidly.
Tony pushed what he was sure to be Steve from what he saw through his blurry vision aside, standing up on wobbly legs and beginning to stumble towards the elevator despite the whole world spinning.
"I-I'm fine, I'm fine," Tony muttered as Steve ran up next to him and seized his shoulder to keep him from face-planting.
"I hate you!" Wanda yelled distantly from behind him before Clint clamped a hand over her mouth.
Suddenly Thor, Bruce, and Rhodey came running out of the opening elevator.
"What was that just now!?" Bruce yelled before him along with Thor and Rhodey stopped to examine the Tony Stark shaped hole in the wall, the screaming Wanda, and the trembling Tony.
"What on Asgard...?" Thor mumbled.

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