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Tony was forcefully shoved into the corner of  his room in his family home.
He shivered and looked up at his father's closest friend and his caregiver, Obadiah Stane.
Obadiah had him pinned to a wall and was holding him suspended in the air by his white shirt's collar.
"What the hell Stark!?" The man yelled into Tony's face making him shut his eyes tightly.
Stane slapped Tony hard across the face, making the frightened man face him, tears pouring down his face as a red mark in the shape of a hand began to form.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you! How could you!? Do you understand what you just did!?"
Tony whimpered and lowered his head to the floor, only to have it be pulled up sharply by Stane.
"Well!? Tell me what you think you did boy!"
Tony's vision blurred with tears and his voice was hoarse as he forced it to work.
"I-I slip-ped d-during a m-m-meeting..."
Stane slapped Tony again.
"Your damn right, do you know how many lies I had to tell to prevent people from being suspicious as to why you were speaking and acting like a fuc&ing child!? You wet yourself in a god damn meeting!"
Stane smashed Tony's head against the wall, making his vision blur.
"You disgust me, such a bad boy. You don't deserve love, you deserve punishment."
Tony's heart sank and he froze in fear as Stane dropped him to the ground suddenly and undid the black leather belt around his waist.
"I'm sorry, p-please!"
"No use in saying sorry son."
Stane pulled the belt behind him before swinging it, coming back like a whip right at Tony's face.


Tony's eyes shot open. He sat his bed?

...It must've been a dream.
He sniffled and wiped his eyes that similar to in the dream, were filled with tears, soaking them up in his plain white shirt.

It was currently Friday morning, morning meaning 2:00 Am. Tony had gone to sleep at 11:00, due to Steve insisting he rest because he hadn't had a full nights' sleep for almost 4 days straight.

Tony brought his legs to his chest and curled into a ball, still sniffling in the darkness.
That dream felt real, way too real, and Tony could already tell he was slipping slowly into his head space, despite his best attempt to stop it from happening.

Then he realized something...a cold, damp feeling between his legs.
Tony's eyes again filled with tears as he realized what he had done.
He slid a hand underneath his blanket and pulled out his red fox (he always kept it with him in his bed, little or not), bringing it close to his face and using it to hide the soft sobs that started to escape his mouth.
He knew he should get out of bed and change himself, maybe the sheets if he soaked through his pull-up, but he suddenly felt so small and scared.
In the darkness, he started to see shadows and monsters looking at him, and Obadiah's words rang through his head.
You disgust me
Such a bad boy
You disgust me
You deserve punishment


Peter was awaken abruptly by a sound coming from Tony's room which was right next to his own.
He sat up in his bed and listened to the noise, confused as to what it was.
Eventually, Peter got up off his bed and yawned loudly before exiting his room quietly, walking down the hallway and making his way to Tony's.
Peter gently knocked on the door.
"Mr. Stark? Are you alright?"
Peter didn't receive a response and after a minute or so, put his ear to Tony's door in attempt to hear what sound was coming from inside the room.

Then he realized. It was a sniffling sound.
Peter stepped away from the door and pulled out a silver key from his pocket.
Once Peter had become his caregiver, Tony had reluctantly agreed to make Peter a key that would be able to get into his room in case he needed something.
Peter placed the key in the key hole and twisted it right, opening the door when he heard a clicking sound.
Peter's heart shattered when he saw Tony.
Tony was still curled up in a tight ball and was shaking harshly, hiding his face behind his little fox.
"Tony...?" Peter spoke quietly, making the man look up to face him.
A tidal wave of emotions immediately spread over Tony's teary face.
"P-Pa'a!" Tony cried, making grabby hands towards Peter.
"Shhhh, it's alright little one, your okay," Peter spoke softly as he made his way over to Tony's side, clearly knowing that Tony had fallen deep into his headspace.
"Pa'a I so sowwy, pease don' be ma'," Tony struggled out as Peter grabbed onto Tony's shaking hands and laced their fingers together.
"Why would I be mad bunny? What happened? Did you have a nightmare?"
Tony sniffled and nodded slightly.
Peter looked at Tony with soft and worried brown eyes.
"What was it about?"
Tony hid his face again.
Peter could feel tears swelling in his own eyes as he gently embraced Tony, instantly aware that he was wet.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't there, Papa's so, so sorry."
Tony rested his head on Peter's chest as more tears fell from his face.
"Yes bunny?"
Tony sniffled again.
"I-I had an aci'ent, I so soww'y, I did'n mean to."
Peter smiled softly and stood up, lifting the little into his arms, bouncing him up and down softly.
"Awe baby. Don't worry, accidents happen, you never have to be sorry for having one."
Tony hiccuped a sob and closed his eyes, melting into Peter's arms.
Peter walked over to the bed and felt it, turning away and walking to the door instead after it turned out to be dry."
"Come on baby, let's go get you changed and then you can sleep with papa tonight, okay?"

Tony didn't respond, but instead seemed to melt even more into Peter's arms.
Peter smiled.
"I'll take that as a yes."

After Peter had gotten rid of the wet pull-up, replacing it with one of the diapers he had bought, and dressed Tony in some more comfortable night clothes, placing a pacifier in between the little's quivering lips, he had brought Tony to his room and the both of them laid down on Peter's king sized bed.
Tony was out like a light long before Peter had even entered his room and when Peter laid him down gently on the bed, he curled up into a small ball again and gently suckled on the Spider-Man chewer in his mouth.
Peter smiled as he laid down and wrapped his arms around the sleeping little, kissing the top of his forehead (remember, this isn't Tony x Peter).
Tony opened his eyes ever so slightly and turned to face his caregiver.
"Ni ni Pa'a," Tony said while dozing off again.
"Wuv ou'."
Peter smiled and wiped one last tear off his face, kissing the little's forehead again.
Peter wasn't sure what would happen later when they woke up, if Tony would be big or little because it wasn't yet the weekend. But for now, the caregiver relaxed and enjoyed the company of his little as he also closed his eyes and began to fall back into sleep.

"Night night little one, love you 3000."

Hidden littles- Tony Stark Where stories live. Discover now