Pool Day-17

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It may have only been mid January. It may have only been 37 degrees Fahrenheit (2.8 Celsius) outside.
But as soon as Peter and Tony had woken up, they had one thing on their mind:
Pool Day.

It was around 8:00 when Peter had first started to wake up.
He reached his hands up from under the thick dark blue blanket draped over him and rubbed his milky brown eyes, adjusting to the light that ran through a crack in the curtain covered window on the wall to the right of him.
After yawning and adjusting enough to the morning light, Peter lowered down his hands, only to find them resting on something.
He lifted his head up slightly and found a small man with a perfect goatee, in a purple and white dotted footed onesie, chewing on a plain white pacifier, resting his head on Peter's chest,  his beautiful brown eyes simply watching Peter calmly.
The other male didn't move.
"Monig' pa'a," he muttered through his pacifier.
Peter smiled and sat up, leaning his head against the back board of the bed as he pulled Tony's head to rest in his lap.
"Good morning to you too baby," Peter cooed as he ran his hand gently through Tony's hair.
Tony leaned into Peter's touch and closed his eyes again, relaxing.
Peter smiled and for a while they just sat in silence, each enjoying the other's company.
"Hey bunny?" Peter spoke up, getting Tony to open his eyes.
"When did you wake up?"
Tony looked at the ceiling, pacifier bobbing in his mouth.
" don' kno'."
"He woke up about an hour before you," JARVIS suddenly spoke up, making Peter flinch.
"O-oh, thanks JARVIS."
"No problem sir."

Peter looked down at Tony again.
"So buddy, what do you want to do today?"
Tony kept on looking at the ceiling.
Peter's brows furrowed, and he reached over to pull Tony onto a sitting position facing him on his lap.
"Bunny, are you alright?" Peter asked softly.
Tony looked over Peter for a minute before hanging his head low.
"M' sowwy, I didn' mea' to-"
"Oh baby," Peter interrupted, kissing Tony's forehead.
"You didn't do anything wrong sweetheart. I was just worried about why you were so quiet. Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Tony's head seemed to fall lower.
Peter sighed.
"Did you have another nightmare?"
The little hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding
Peter sucked in a breath.
Tony almost always had nightmares and he could see how much of a toll they had on his little boy, but he couldn't really do anything to help except cuddle the man or ask him to talk about it—which he never wanted to do.
"Oh sweetheart, my baby boy, I'm so sorry."
He pulled Tony tighter into his arms.
"You wanna tell me what it was about?" Peter asked, already knowing that Tony wouldn't want to.
Tony shook his head lightly and rested it on Peter's chest. Peter simply sighed again and massaged Tony's scalp.

They sat together in comfortable silence for a while, except for the occasional sound of a yawn, until Peter eventually thought that he should change the subject.
And he had a perfect idea of what to say.

"Hey bud," Peter began to speak again, pulling Tony's attention towards him.
"I have an idea for what we can do today."
Tony adjusted himself so that he was sitting in Peter's lap, facing him. He chewed his pacifier softly.
"How about..." Peter continued, booping Tony's nose light and making the little smile a little.

"We go swimming!"


When Peter first got his own room in the Avengers tower, JARVIS had shown him around the main parts such as the kitchen, bathrooms, and training room. However, later on Tony had taken it soon himself to show Peter the more entertaining things that the tower had to offer.
For instance, there was a laser tag zone that Tony had built to have actual lasers in it so that the Avengers could have combat training sessions in there (or you know, just play an extreme version of laser tag).

Another feature of the tower was that it had a humongous swimming pool on the 6th floor.
The pool was about as big as a third of a football stadium in length, and in width. It had shallow and deep areas ranging from four feet, all the way to fourteen.
And it's no surprise that something had to be extra about the pool...I mean, it's Tony Stark.
Tony had shaped the humongous pool into the letter P, originally for his old lover, Pepper Potts. However now, big Tony likes to say that the P stands for Peter, and little Tony likes to say that the P stands for Papa.
It's size and shape wasn't the only thing extravagant about the pool though. It also had hundreds of heaters to ensure that you were never cold, underwater lights that shined out in the dark to make the pool look like it was glowing, and...a LAZY RIVER where the P curved (it was Peter's favorite part).
The pool also had a small hot tub that connected to it, and it was by far the best hot tub Peter had ever been in.

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