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Peter hadn't been able to sleep.

Scratch that. He hasn't been able to sleep.

Ever since the moment a little over a week ago when Tony had ran away from him and Steve, and had locked himself away in his lab, Peter had been a mess.

The whole thing happened all too fast for Peter. One moment he had his precious little boy secured tightly in his arms, and the next moment he was outside of Tony's lab door, banging on it for so long that he had collapsed to the floor with exhaustion and had to be dragged away by Thor.

It wasn't just Peter who was worried however. Every single member on the team had been freaking out when JARVIS delivered the news that Tony had cut off communications and had locked himself away in his lab.

Steve had taken it pretty hard too.
He was mentally beating himself up for not being able to reach the elevator doors fast enough. He believed that Tony locking himself away was his fault.

If only he had just managed to wedge his foot between those two metal doors in time.

Bucky had tried his best to console Steve that it wasn't his fault, but he could never get Steve to fully believe him. However, Bucky had managed to cheer up the captain a little bit, and now it was Steve's personal mission to protect Bucky at all costs, making sure that no
one else he loved ever got hurt.

Currently, Peter was sitting cross legged on his bed, absentmindedly staring at one of the plain walls of his room in front of him, his mind in a world of its own.
Of course, he didn't want to just sit there. He wanted to go find Tony, and he wanted to grab him and cradle his baby boy in his arms as he gently rocked him back and forth.

After days on end of all of the Avengers, crowded at the entrance of Tony's lab door, trying to find a way to open it, they eventually realized that no brute force or any of Bruce's lab experiments, or Thor's hammer, would be enough to crack open the doors that kept them all from Tony.

Even after all the others had left, Peter had stayed and stayed next to the lab door, wanting to be with his baby at all times.

However, after he had passed out from exhaustion, Steve had ordered him to stay in his room until he could properly function again.

Anddddd that's why he was stuck in his room.

Peter sighed and blinked his red eyes which were stinging from him not closing them for so long while he zoned out.

"JARVIS?" he spoke.

"Yes, Mr. Parker?"

"Can you give me Tony's vitals again please?"

"Right way sir."

True, JARVIS had been locked out from communicating, viewing, or hearing what went on in the lab ever since Tony had locked him out, but Peter later discovered that the AI's high tech sensors still allowed JARVIS to partially keep up with Tony's vital signs.

"It appears that sir is still experiencing malnourishment, the same as the last time you checked in which was just under 10 minutes ago. His heart rate is also significantly higher than normal, and his breathing seems to be a bit more rapid, so I assume that he is either going into, or has just come out of a panic attack."

Peter sighed once again, and tucked his knees into his chest, hiding his head in them.

"What am I gonna do, JARVIS?" Peter spoke.

"I mean, what good of a caregiver am I, if I can't even make sure my little doesn't die of malnourishment or sleep loss!?"

"Mr. Parker, I assure you that this is not your fault, you were not the cause of Tony's sudden behavior."

Hidden littles- Tony Stark Where stories live. Discover now