Chapter 8

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 ”Don’t lie to me, Kittie…we know you’ve at least made out with him….” Jordan said sitting on Kassie’s bed flipping through a Teen People.

”Yeah…eww..but…really. Eww…no…ahhhh….” Tiara started to scream reacting to her best friend kissing her little brother.

”It’s better you do;nt understand it, dude…” Kassie said taking a sip of her soda grabbing some cookies from the middle of the bed.

”I really don’t even want to think about it….but….I’m soo intrigued…” Tiara answered.

”Maybe one day I’ll tell you about it…” Kassie answered.


”Bru, bru…you’re totally macking on California..what’s the deal?” Michael asked. Bruno shrugged his shoulders.

”She’s hot….” Bruno answered. ”And she has a killer tongue.” he smiled at his friends while they sat on the beach.

”I’ve heard that she’s hooked up with like 8 guys…” Ryan commented.

”She didn’t say anything about that, dude…” Bruno responded thinking about the comment.


The next day Bruno and Kassie sat on the beach watching Jayden and Zac from a distance.

”Thank you for baby sitting with me…” she smiled at him.

”You’re welcome…” he smiled back at her. ”Hey, Kass…” Bruno started to ask her a question.


”Earlier today, Ryan said that….”

”That I’m a hooch?” she asked.


”What a loser. You know I’m not…” she looked at him slightly upset that he was believing his best friend over her. She looked at him giving him a serious face moving closer to where he was sitting touching his arm lightly. ”Three times and it was just Nathan. That’s it.” she answered him backing away. ”But that doesn’t mean you’re number …” she said watching her brothers’ sand castle crumble underneath a wave.

”’re a fucking heartbreaker…it’s hot. And I’m up for the challenge…” he raised his eyebrow at her making her smile. He leaned in toward her kissing her quickly but passionately. She stopped herself from leaning in to continue the kiss knowing that her brothers would see her.

”Ewwww….I knew it!” they heard their friend Danielle come down the beach with another group of friends. They both just shrugged it off getting up to fix Zac’s sand castle.

Bruno walked Kassie and her brothers to her house hugging her good bye. A few minutes later Kassie looked down at her cell phone seeing a text message from Bruno.

Come overrrrrr. Pleassseee.

She fumbled with her phone slowly texting him back.

Wow, clingy much?

Just shut up. Come over. We’re watching a movie. Bring Sam if you want.

Kassie showed her brother the text message. ”No way dude. He’s just trying to get in your pants, Kass…” he said quietly conscious of their parents’ presence.

”Just go over there, Kassie….” Janie said to her.

”Okay…” Kassie said picking up her phone and keys walking over to the Hernandez house.

”Kass…” Bruno caught her attention sitting on the porch.

”What are you doing out here?” she asked. ”It’s going to rain…” she said glancing up at the dark skies.

”Come inside with me…” he said standing up taking her hand. It was eerily quiet.

”Where is everyone?” she asked him.

”They went to uncle Johnny’s house…I told them I had homework to do…” he said taking her hand leading her into the living room. He wrapped his arms around her starting to dance with her slowly.

”Bruno…what are you doing?” she asked him looking right into his eyes. They are so amazing…she thought to herself.

”Dancing with my girlfriend…” he told her twirling her around the room.

”Oh…I like that…” she said leaning in toward him laying her head on his shoulder.

”Bruno…I don’t want to go back…” she said to him.

”Then don’t…” he responded to her quietly kissing her head.

”But…I have volleyball…and school…and so much there…I can’t. My mom’s heart would break…and I’d miss Sam…and I couldn’t see Livvy…” she rationalized. ”I just didn’t think Hawaii could be this good…” she told him lifting her head up placing her hands on his cheeks leaning in to kiss him. He kissed her back touching her the same way he did the night he said he loved her. This time she didn’t stop him. She watched him pull away taking her hand leading him toward her bedroom.

”Bruno….” she paused not sure if they were really going to do what she thought they were going to do. He dug around in his drawer waving a condom at her. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god…she thought to herself sitting down on his bed watching him.

”Let me help you…” she said taking off his pants. Oh shit…he thought to himself. She touched his waist moving up to his shirt taking it off. She stood up leaning in toward his kissing him to calm him down. She could tell that he was getting tense not sure exactly what to do.

”Just go with it, B…” she whispered in his ear reaching down to take off his pants. He followed her taking off her shirt and pants.

”Kassie…” he stopped her looking at her body. ”Wow…”

”Bruno…it’s like a bikini..come on…” she laughed. She ran over to the light switch turning it off taking his hand guiding him to the bed. And then she laughed….hard. ”Oh my god, Bruno…you are so bad at this….” she told him.  

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