Chapter 61

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"What's going on, Sam?" Kassieasked her.

"I don't know, dude..." he saidsoftly.

"We're going to ask y'all to goahead and go to the restroom on the other side of the building...."a security guard walked up to them.

"Ummm...oh....he'smy....boyfriend....can you tell me what's going on?" Kassieanswered.

"No ma'am...I'm sorry." hesaid pointing to the other side of the building.

"Please, sir...just please..."Kassie said peering over the man's shoulder. Sam pulled her awayfrom him trying to keep her out of trouble.

"We'll be this way..." Sam saidtaking his sister's hand. Bruno looked up seeing them. He mouthedI'm sorry tothem as they started to walk away. As they started to walk awayKassie felt tears welling up out of frustration and confusion.

"Kassandra....come with me..." Drewalked quickly toward them. " should too." he saidtaking her other hand.

"What is going on? Oh my gosh...whatis going on...." Kassie started to shake.

"He was arrested...." Dre stoppedto talk to them.

"But...ohhh mmmy godddd..." Kassieresponded starting to shake more as she saw his hands placed behindhis back with his head down. A small crowd had gathered outside thebarrier the security guard had created.

"Is that Bruno?" she heard someonesay loudly.

"What was it for, dude?" Sam askedas confused at Kassie.

Dre pointed to a small bag that anofficer was holding.

"Oh shit." Sam answered.

"Nooo...oh..." Kassie responded."Fuck. I can't do this." Kassie said turning around away fromthe group running toward the other elevators.

"Kassie....Kassie...come on...comeback..." Amy yelled as the elevator closed.

Sam looked at Amy who was shaking asmuch as Kassie was.

"Let's go get her..." he saidhugging her.

They ran to the room catching up withher as she started to swipe her key card.

"I cannot do this, Amy. I can't.He fucks everything up. Everything. What was he thinking? Oh mygosh...oh my god..I told him not to do it. I told him not to do it..."

"You knew?" Sam asked.

"No. But we talked about it. Ipractically yelled at him when we talked about it. I told him not todo it, it would break my heart..." she started to cry. '

"Kass...everyone fucks up...." Amytold her.

"I don't care..." she answeredwalking toward her small overnight bag. "I'm going home." shesaid throwing things in her bag.

"Kittie...please...we're only herefor two days...just wait for him. Talk to him about it...." Willatried to calm her down entering the room a few seconds earlier.

"None of you know him like I do.None of you...this is....I don't's shit..." shestarted to crying throwing herself on the bed burying her head in thepillows.

"Kass..Paris got caught too...he'llbe okay." Amy told her sitting down on the bed rubbing her back.

"But I don't know Paris. I knowBruno. And I know this is crap." Kassie said to them.

"Kass..we could go back and forthabout this all night. Please just stay and hear him out. You're theone that's always preaching no regrets." Clarissa said from adistance knowing that Kassie could throw something at her any minute.

"Ugghhh...I guess." she said asher phone started to ring. She picked it up seeing it was Tahiti."Shit.....Hey...." she stopped to listen to his sister talk. "Idon't know what's going on..I ran...oh I know. We already talkedabout it. I will. Did you talk to your brother? Okay. I will. We'llgo. And tell your mom to take a deep breath. She can get throughit...ha. Yeah. I'm sure she won't be the only one to yell athim...I'm first in line...Yeah. We love you too. I'll call youwhen we find something out."

"Kass...I just got off the phonewith Eric...Bruno should be back by the morning. What do you want todo?" Sam asked walking back into the room which now was full ofeveryone who had been downstairs early.

"I don't know..." she responded."I think I need to get out of here..." she said standing upgrabbing one of Bruno's jackets that was laying on the groundburying her head in it for a second smelling it.

Amy and Clarissa followed Kassie outof the room walking down the hallway with her.

"I don't get it. I don't know ifI should be angry or wait for him to tell me what happened..."Kassie said to them.

"I think you can be angry at him butstill support him, Kittie." Amy reassured her.

"I sure hope so." she answeredtrying not to cry.


"Kassandra...." Kassie heardBruno's voice by her ear later that next morning. She moanedturning around not wanting to see him. "Please...listen to me..."he said to her.

"I'm listening." she said notturning around.

"It was a mistake...I didn't...."

"You didn't mean to get caughtwith drugs. Yeah. Okay. Whatever." she said bluntly still notturning around. "And you were probably holding it for someone, too.Come on. Even my mom doesn't believe that shit, Bruno." shestarted talking to him weighing the option of turning around to lookat him. She was scared to see what he looked like.

"I was gonna try it, Kass. I was...I'mnot going to lie, baby. But....then I got nervous. I got itearlier...when I went upstairs to change.."

"I hate you." she told him notresponding to any more of his story.

Bruno touched her waist feeling hershaking under the blanket. "I'm sorry, Kassandra." he told hergetting up from the bed to take a shower. Kassie spread out in thebed after he left. I can'tdo this. I'll go to Amy and Clarissa's room...shethought to herself. She grabbed her two bags throwing Bruno'sjacket in the place she found it earlier in the morning placing thenecklace they shared in the pocket. Kassie walked down the hallway toAmy's room. Amy quickly came to the door looking confused atKassie's face. "I can't do it...." Kassie told her bestfriend with tears in her eyes. Amy took her best friend inside theroom hugging her tightly.

"Yes you can, Kassie."

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