Chapter 101

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"I'm hungry..." Bruno said stretched out on the couch next to Kassie who was sitting equally stretched out on the couch with her laptop typing an e-mail to her boss.

"Then get off your lazy butt and get something to eat." Kassie answered not looking up from her laptop.

"But we don't have what I want." Bruno told her leaning over to see what she was typing.

"Hey...stop reading my stuff." she said saving her work quickly closing her laptop cover. "What do you want to eat, Bruno?"

"I want...." he paused looking up thinking to himself. "Hmm..."

"Just spit it out Bruno." she told him. He continued to think contemplating his exact response.

"Sushi." he said kissing her quickly getting up from the couch.

"Oh god. Bruno. You know I hate raw fish."

"You can get the cooked on. I want to go to Katsuya." he told her.

"You want to avoid the spotlight. You just said you want to go to the most paparazzi infested restaurant in all of California." she answered him.

"For the love of sushi, Kassandra. Please can we go?" he said picking up her shoes and sweater. "Please, please, please, Kass." he said taking her phone that was sitting on the floor next to her feet. "Kass..your phone is ringing..."

"No, no it's not." she told him confused by what he was doing.

"Hello?" he asked holding the phone. "Oh...okay.." he started to laugh. "It's please, please, please can we go to Katsuya? They want to talk to you."

"Shut up! You've been watching Happy Endings!" she told him.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about..." he told her.

"Shut your whore mouth, Bruno Mars! Give me my shoes so we can go eat. Geez" she said in a laughing silly tone.


Bruno held onto Kassie's hand tightly not saying anything to the cameras as they walked by without any security. Kassie refused to have Dre follow them around after the tour ended saying that he deserved a break as much as he did. "Don't look at them, Kassie." Bruno told her as she looked up smiling at one of the cameramen she had seen in the past.

"You're so horrible, B. They're just doing their job. Until they step over the line.." she pointed to a black line the restaurant had drawn for the photographers to stand behind, "they're just fine." she finished explaining the line to him punching him in the side.

"Ouch." he cringed looking up at one of the photographers trying not to laugh at his wife's attempt to hurt him.

"Kass...I just finished insanity. How do you think you're going to kick my ass?" he asked her sitting down at the table.

"It's just the way it is." she said taking the menu looking it over as the waitress stood waiting for them to order.

"She was the spicy roll thing and with the extra spicy stuff..." he started.

"No, no. Not tonight, Steph..." Kassie smiled looking at the waitress that knew her by name. "I want the jidori chicken with a side of steamed carrots."

"Oh Kassandra.." Bruno laughed at her. "Quit being a fangirl." Bruno rolled his eyes at her.

"I'll be back. You two enjoy your dinner." Stephanie answered scribbling something on her pad.

"You made her uncomfortable." Kassie told him.

"What? You were the one that started talking about carrots." Bruno told her.

"Bruno...what did you tell my mom? She just texted me that she's going to go to the thing."

"I told her what I needed to tell her." Bruno answered not revealing any of the conversation.

"Brunito! Come onnnnn..." she whined.

"She's still not happy about everything. But I told her about the conversation I had with your dad before we left for Maui..."

"Wait...what did you talk to my dad about?" she asked.

"I asked him if I could marry you." he said taking her hand.

"Bruno! Don't lie to me." she told him.

"Call him..." he said holding his phone. "I asked him after you fell asleep on the swing."

"You didn't move..." she told him remember the night almost a year ago.

"I asked him if I could take care of you for the rest of my life. He said he would have to think about it...and then he left the room holding this..." he said pulling a ring out of his pocket.

"Bruno! Nooooo...oh my god." she said taking the ring from his hand gently touching it not putting it on.

"I think she would have wanted you to put it on..." he told her.

"Nana loved you, Bruno....she told me to marry you...right before..." she said with tears coming down her eyes unable to finish the sentence.

He laughed at her comment taking the ring Tom had given him. The ring, a bright diamond on a small band hit the glass of water sitting in front of her making him squint his eyes through the dark rimmed glasses he was wearing. "She told me to marry you too...the last time we all saw her."

"Oh my god, Bruno. I still miss her." she responded remembering her paternal grandmother who had taken care of both sets of siblings after retiring to Hawaii with her youngest son.

"She's proud of you, Kass." Bruno said taking a sip of his small glass of wine. He handed her the glass wanting her to taste it.

"Naw. I don't think I'm going to drink tonight." Kassie answered squeezing his hand over the glass of wine.

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