Chapter 85

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Bruno moved over into the cushy chairpulling the phone away from his ear as his mother started to yell athim. "Peter! What were you thinking? No, don't answer me. Youweren't thinking. Neither you nor Kassandra were thinking. You wereboth drunk.. How many times have I told my children not to make lifealtering decisions when they're drinking? Every single time...andthank god your father hasn't called you yet. Bruno!"

"Mom...I....oh....oh god..." Brunoturned to face the table where his laptop was sitting to see themarriage certificate and a Polaroid picture of the two of them." know you're mad. I know...and it wasn't thebest..."

"Does Tom know? Did you even askhim? Bruno! Jesus Christ..." his mother continued.

"No, mama...he doesn't...but ifyou're at home and using that tone the whole city probably knowsnow."

"Bruno...what are you two thinking?"she said in a calmer tone.

"Mama...I love her. I want to spendthe rest of my life with her. It wasn't a mistake. I wanted tomarry her."

" did this to Audrey.What makes this any different?" she asked her son.

"Kassandra isn't Audrey, mom. Iknow I made mistakes with Audrey, but Kittie sees me beyond thosemistakes. And that why I don't regret what we did last night."

"Have you even considered what'sgoing to happen when you both leave tomorrow?" she asked him. "Willshe move in with you? Do you add her to your insurance? What aboutbank accounts? And you didn't even talk to Craig about it. What ifthere was some agreement y'all needed to have before you gotmarried?"

"Mother! I don't need a prenuptialagreement. It's Kittie for fuck's sake...are you almost doneyelling at me? Because dad still needs to yell at me and I think he'scalling..." he tried to stop his mother's rant.

"Peter..." he could feel her headshaking through her tone. "If you're happy with your decisionthen I will be happy for you. We will all be happy for wasjust a shock. It came out of nowhere....nowhere!Bruno! I was planning the wedding!"Bruno heard his little sister in the background yelling at him."Please call me when you get a chance, Brunito." she finished."Tell Kittie we love her and you."

"Okay mom. Tell everyone I love themtoo." Bruno said hanging up the phone turning around to see thedoor closed with Kassie nowhere to be found. "Shit. Where is she?"he asked himself looking for the keycard to get back in the room. Hesaw the space where they had left it earlier in the morning empty.Well I guess I have to findher to get back in here...hethought to himself taking his hat, slipping on a pair of flip-flopsand shorts to go look for her. He texted her

Where r u, bby?

hoping for a quick response but didn'tget anything.

"Bruno...she's in her room..."Dwanye said walking past him.

"Oh...oh good. Thank you...."Bruno knocked on the door a few down from his. "Kittie...let mein...please..." he said softly against the heavy door."Kassandra...please...." he pleaded hearing her voice get louder.He saw her with tears running down her eyes with her phone againsther ear. He could hear Penny yelling at her. He motioned for her tocome close to him. "Kass...." Bruno whispered. "It will beokay." she shook her head trying not to make any noise as hermother continued to yell at her. She sat down on the bed burying herhead in her hands. He knew he had to comfort her in some way. He justwasn't sure about the best way to do it. He walked over to herlaying his head on top of hers wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Kassandra! How could you do this?Do you even know how everyone is going to react? You're worse thanBritney Spears. Oh god. Kassie. I have no idea what to say."

"I know you're upset, mom. I know.I'm sorry we did it this way. I'm sorry." she said breaking tosniff the tears away.

"It's more than that,'s more than that.." her mother continued. Kassiepulled the phone away from her ear making a face about how loud shewas being. She placed her mom on speaker phone trying to tune out thescreaming. Bruno listened to everything her mother said. She went onabout his drugs, how he treated her in the past and how he was nevergoing to be as much as Andrew.

"Mom...there's someone at thedoor..I have to go..." she tried to get away from her mother'srants.

"You better figure this out,Kassandra. Do you hear me? Kass?" Penny asked.

"It will be taken care of, mom. I'lltalk to you later." she said hanging up falling onto Bruno sobbing.Bruno held onto her rubbing her back feeling her muscles tensethrough her tears.

"'ll be okay..." hesaid trying to get her to calm down by placing his head by hers.

"But how do you know, Bruno? How doyou know?" she asked.

"Put some faith in your husband."he smiled at her making her laugh.

"Sam called her." Kassie toldBruno.

"Eric called my mom." he answeredher.

"We probably should have made themsign a non-disclosure agreement before we left..." Kassie told himmaking him laugh he touched her hands playing with her fingers tryingto find the right words.

"You were right...this ring ishuge..." he said placing it back in his hand. "I'll get you aperfect one when I get home..."

"It better be perfect." sheresponded. "I won't take anything less than perfect."

"I will get you the Hope Diamond ifthat's what it takes to please my wife." he replied.

"Yes. Get me that." she giggled.

"I will. Now stop crying please.Your mom will get over it."

"You know you've never been herfavorite, Brunito."

"I know. But she doesn'tunderstand everything we've been through." he said licking hisfinger to wipe the tears from her cheek. Bruno suddenly jumpedhearing his alarm go off.

"Shit...come on, baby. I have to goto rehersal." Bruno responded hitting the button to stop the song.

"I have to change..I can't wearthis...." she answered pointing to her white dress. "Not tomention I smell like vodka...." she coughed with her normalreaction to drinking too much.

"Well go take a shower then. I'mnot stopping you."

"You're totally going to followme..." she winked at him.

"I can neither confirm nor deny mydesire to have sex with my wife in the shower." he respondedpushing her onto the bed kissing her. She started kicking her legs toget away from him.

 "Stooopppp!" she exclaimedlaughing as he tickled her. "Let me take a showeerrrr!" 

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