Chapter 12

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 ”Do even know where we’re going, Kass?” Bruno asked her watching her drive down a brightly lit California highway.

”Yes, I know where we’re going, Bruno….” she answered.

”It’s a super fun place…like celebrities and stuff go there.”
”So they’ll be able to see me and go ‘damn…he’s going to be a star…’?” Bruno asked.

”Yes, Brunz. I’m sure the papaparazzi will absolutely love you, especially with your hair like that…” she said leaning over rubbing his big hair.

”Well, my do makes me who I am…” he said with a smile.

”It’s true…” she answered pulling into a parking place a good distance from valet and celebrities.

Bruno got out of the car quickly to open the door for her.

”My lady….” he said to her taking her hand.

”What a gentleman…” she smiled kissing him on the cheek.

”I try…” he told her squeezing her hand.

They walked into the restaurant past a hoard of autograph seekers to the server.

”Your name?” she asked.

”Two for Hernandez…” he answered her.

”Right this way….” she led them to a table in the middle of the crowd handing them menus.

”Look..let’s have some wine…” Bruno said pulling out the wine list from the middle of the table. ”Let’s have the most expensive and oldest one….” he said moving his finger down the list.

”This one…” Kassie said pointing her finger to the same one Bruno was thinking of.

”Yes, let’s have that one Ms. Jackson. He held up the fancy pitcher of water sitting on the edge of their table filling the red wine glass off to the side of the table with water. handing it to her. She started to laugh at him.

”To the future….” Kassie said lightly hitting their glasses together.

”To my beautiful, smart and just plain amazing girlfriend, Kassandra…” Bruno said after drinking the water in the glass. ”One day we’ll buy that wine, Kass…” Bruno told her putting down the glass.

”I know…” she said picking up the menu.

They ate a fancy dinner talking about Bruno’s move to Los Angeles and Kassie’s decision to go to Santa Cruz. Bruno suggested that he go and see her when he could and that she would come for as many holidays as possible.

After finishing dinner Kassie drove back to Bruno’s sister’s house.

”Bruno…..” she said sitting at a stop light.

”Yeah, baby?”

”Go in my purse and in the little red thing…hand me a Tylenol. I have a headache…” she asked.

He picked up her small purse grabbing the small bag she asked him to. He opened in peeking in to find medicine. ”I don’t see it…but I see this…” he said holding up two condoms.

”Oh…I must have used my last one….but those will do.” she told him raising her eyebrow.

”That will help your headache?” he asked her.

”Mhmm…” she answered him.

”Jamie won’t be home until early in the morning….” Bruno told her.

”Do you really think I’m that stupid, Bruno ? I knew that. she told him.

”Ohh…ohh…you’re a genius.” he laughed at her.

They didn’t say anything to each other until they arrived at their destination. Bruno pulled the key his sister had hidden on the window sill for him. He led her inside the house where the lights were turned off. He flipped one on so they could walk in without falling. Kassie turned the light off right after he turned it on. ”Why did you do that?” he asked her. She didn’t answer him choosing the kiss him instead. Oh, she’s more real this time…he thought to himself running his fingers along her jaw. Kassie let him do whatever he wanted to her. He doesn’t suck this time..she thought to herself as he moved down to kiss her neck. She returned his kisses moving up to his ear.

”Thank you for coming, Bruno…” she whispered in his ear.

”Shhh….” he said moving his hands around her back bringing her closer to him. She pulled away from him quickly moving her eyes toward the guest bedroom.

”Ohh….yeah. I guess that would be a good idea….” Bruno responded. Kassie started to laugh at him as he led her toward the messy bedroom.

”Don’t laugh at me…I’ve got this, this time Kassandra.” he responded.

”I can’t help it, Bruno…” she said lifting her shirt up over her head moving in toward him to take off his shirt. She kissed him moving down to his neck slowly. She threw him down on the bed kissing him all over.

”Kass….” Bruno asked her. ”Hurry…” he said urgently.

”Oh….okay….” she said concerned. He put his arms around her waist sliding off her pants as he turned over to get on top of her. ”Wait..turn off the lights Bruno…” she commanded.

”Ugh…Kassie…come on…” he said jumping up to flip the bedroom light switch off. He jumped on the bed next to her making her laugh.

”You’re so romantic, Bruno….” she started to say as he pressed himself against her. She felt herself get tense as he got closer to her. Eeeek. Oh. That hurts…but…”Oh…Bruno….that’s…really…oh….” she said responding to him.

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