Chapter 19

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Summer of 2007

Kassie stood in front of an assistant producer who was putting a microphone up her shirt.

”Is that always so fucking cold? Geez..” she told him.

”This is only your second’ll get used to it…” he answered pushing her toward the open door. ”They’re waiting for you.” he told her.

”Oh..okay…” she said shocked. She was still trying to wrap her head around being thrown into a reality TV show documenting the ups and downs of California night life. She had landed a job a few weeks after school ended at an event planning firm. They specialized in celebrity party planning and musical events. She loved it. And she was super excited about the reality TV part…even if it was scary. She smiled meeting the eyes of her boss, a man in his late twenties.

”Kassandra..we need you in Los Angeles for the next two weeks. With the summer starting we have a ton of parties. And we may even need you in Vegas. You’ll be going with Clarissa.” he said moving his eyes towards the ditzy blonde girl that got the job by sleeping with him.

”Oh…okay. That sounds like a lot of fun.” she told him.

”’ll leave San Francisco tomorrow morning. I have a list of people you need to get in touch with the second you land. ..” he told her.

”Alright. That sounds great.

Kassie ran into her small apartment that she was sharing with Andrew excited about the news. She started dancing in front of Andrew who was sitting on the couch with his earbuds in typing something.

”Kassandra…I’m in the middle of something…” he told her looking at her dancing.

”Take off your head phones for a second…” she smiled at him leaning down to pull them out of his ears.

”Kass…stop…” he said taking the headphones back.

”Ugh. Whatever. Then I won’t ask you to come to LA with me this weekend. ” she haraumphed walking out of the room.

”Wait…you’re going to LA? For what?” he asked her.

”For work.”

”Oh…okay…I guess…I just throught you would come to the art thing with me this weekend…” he told her.

”Andrew..there’s already enough art, cheese and wine in my life. I need some bad house techno and guido looking boys and girls in my life. And it’s for both today…”


”You can come with, though. You can go to the USC library. It’s amazing…or so I’ve heard.”

”No thanks, Kass. I’ll stay here.” he said putting his headphones back on. \


”I am so freaking ready for this, Kassandra!” Clarissa yelled at her co-worker in the car. Kassie caught a glimpse of the camera man wincing at her reaction. Kassie rolled her eyes at her new friend’s reaction.

”I’m inviting a few friends…I can’t wait.” Kassie said referring to her old roommate and teammates, Holly and Liz.

”Well, I can’t wait to meet them, they should be fun! More fun than Andrew…” she sighed.

”ugh..anyone is more fun than my boyfriend right now.”


Kassie stood in the front of the club checking off names and looking at the people as they walked in. She held on to the walkie-talkie like it was her life as she readjusted the microphone pack that was stuck on her back. ”God, Lindsay..this is really annoying…” she said dancing around.

”I know dude. But they say that you’ll get used to it…and the cameras…” she said to Kassie.

”I hope so…” they continued through the night in the front until one of the more experienced event planners relieved them at midnight.

”Are you ready for a drink?” Lindsay asked her.

”Heck yes…” Kassie said placing her small purse on the bar. They ordered vodka and red bulls walking toward the VIP section where the rest of her cast was sitting. Kassie checked out the crowd noticing a large group off to the end of the ViP section obviously not with them. Her type of crowd would not be wearing plaid, corduroys or fedoras.


”Hey, B…are you ready to go on soon?” one of Bruno’s friends asked.

”Yeah..I’m totally ready…” he said looking at the big stage.

”Don’t you get nervous?” the friend asked looking at the large crowd gathering at the bottom of the club.

”No. I just find the hottest girl in the crowd and pretend I’m singing to her…” he said to his friend.

”It’s gonna hard to find the hottest girl in the room tonight, bro….there are some fine lookin’ honeys here tonight…”

Bruno surveyed the room stopping at the VIP table that Kassie was sitting at.

”I found her…” Bruno said pointing to Kassie. ”I found her….oh did I find her…” he smiled.

Bruno walked down to the stage with his brother who was playing the drums with him and a few other band members.


”Kass…the guy who just performed..he’s from Hawaii…I want you to meet him…” Diane, the older event planner told her grabbing her arm dragging her toward the group of boys that she had noticed earlier in the evening. God, just because I’m from Hawaii doesn’t mean I’m going to knooooo….

”Brunito?” she stopped looking at the boy wearing corduroys, a plaid shirt and black fedora.

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