Chapter 125

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Urbana burst into the bathroom. "Ohmygod...get up, get up, get up!" she picked up a towel and wiped up the little bit of water that was the ground taking Kassie's hand walking into the living room where everyone else was sitting.

"Geez, I thought you fell in, but then I remembered you'd probably get stuck..." Bruno told her. Kassie stared at him trying to decide whether she was going to laugh at him or she was going to hit him.

"Shut up. My butt is cute." she told him.

"Her water broke..." Urbana told them.

"Whaaaatttt?" Sam looked up at her. "You don't look wet..."

"Well..I will guarantee you that it broke." Kassie answered him. "But there aren't....oh..I take that back. Oww."

Bruno jumped up from his chair making his hat fall off his head. "Let me get your stuff....oh my...oh my..."

Kassie followed him into the bedroom touching his back. "Bruno...are we really doing this?"

"Umm...Kass...I don't think we can stop it now..." he turned looking at her almost about to cry. She had had moments where she was emotional, mostly the last few weeks, but this was the first time she looked like she was going to cry. " will be okay. It's going to be perfect...she's perfect, you're perfect, the house is perfect...." he wiped the tear off her cheek

"I know it will be okay...I's all happening so fast...last year we were just tryin to figure out why we got married and now we're having a baby....."

"'s all meant to be in some know that. This is just the same..." he held her hand sitting her down on the bed.

"'re so dumb." she answered him.

"Well you married me....and are having my doesn't that make you dumb too?" he asked her.

"Yeah..the dumbest person in the world." she said looking up at him. He touched her face moving his fingers along the small wet spots from her tears. She closed her eyes starting to think about everything that was going to change. Her thought were interrupted by his long kiss on her lips. She put her arms around him running her fingers through his now long curly hair. I like it when it's like this...he needs to keep it this way.She thought to herself through his kisses.

"Oh my god. Come on you two." Olivia came in the room holding Kassie's bottle of water and flip-flops.

"Okay..okay....okay..." Bruno and Kassie started to sing at the same time.

"Brad and Angelina are readyyyy...." Livvy announced. Bruno took her by the waist bowing.

"I got her pregnant." he told them.


"Bruno...." Kassie reached out to touch Bruno's arm in the hospital bed.

"Yeah?" he asked her.

"Do you think she'll be born today or tomorrow?"

"Kass....I don't care..." he told her.

"But Bruno...if she's born tomorrow then she'll have to wait a year to start school...and then she won't be able to fall in love with the boy..."

" know that's not true. She'll be so smart that they'll make an exception for her." he smiled handing her a piece of ice.

"Thank you." she told him. "Oh.....look..I'm having a contraction..." she pointed to the monitor.

"My daughter is so smart for taking an epitdural..." Penny walked in followed by her father who had flown in to surprise her. She gasped shocked that he had flown in.

"We've got everyone..." Tom told her with Jayden and Zach following behind him. The boys were now 14 and 16 and looked exactly like their father- tall blonde hair and deep green eyes wearing board shorts, flip-flops holding their raybans in their hands. "You better hurry this up, Kittie..I don't know how much more family time I can take..." Jayden told her.

"I'll make it go really long, just for you." Kassie answered him.

"Thanks." he responded. The doctor walked in right after she finished mocking her little brother.

"Let's see when we're going to have this precious little girl...." she told them.

"Eww..okay..I'm going to go now..." Zach backed away toward the door.

"It looks like we have about 4 centimeters to go...if you keep going at this pace we should have her out by 11..." the doctor told them.

"That's 8 hours..." Kassie sighed.

"It could be later..." the doctor told her. "First ones always take a long time..."

"Ugh...don't remind me. That's all his sisters keep telling took me three days to have took me a month to pop him out..."

"They were just trying to scare you, Kittie. Come on." he told her.

"I wanna seeee the babbbyyyyyyy...." Tiara came running into the room. "My best friend and my brother are having a babbbyyyy....."

"It's brand new information to me." Kassie laughed hugging his sister.

"Seriously though, Kittie. Like I really didn't think this would happen. On the way here everyone was like...10 years ago did you really think that they would be where they are today?"

"Well thanks for the extra confidence, Ti..." Kassie told her.

"You know we love you, sissy.." she hugged Kassie again. "Now when do we see this cutie pie?"

"Not for a while.." Kassie sighed. "It's going to take a whole year..."

"'re going to beat the previous Hernandez record." she laughed.


Kassie looked above the doctor's head through the nurse at the clock. 11:15....we can do this..."Ohhhhh shit...." she screamed through the push.

"Kittie...hang in's almost done..." Bruno told her holding her hand. "Hang in there...." she pulled him down next to her head feeling a piece of his sweat falling on her.

"I hate you."she told him. He kissed her cheek watching the doctor telling her to push again.

" you want to do this?" she asked him.

"Do what? I don't..." the doctor pointed to the baby's head. He nodded his head squeezing Kassie' s arm tightly before he moved down to look at the doctor who handed him their daughter. The doctor moved around Bruno's arms wiping their daughter's face guiding his arms to Kassie's stomach. He held one hand on the baby and placed his other hand on her face kssing her lightly. "She's beautiful

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