Chapter 24

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Kassie felt a hand fall on her stomach in the middle of the night. What the hell is he doing. Oh my god, get off me. Oh shit. She pushed his hand off of her grabbing her phone to text her sister.

Don't judge me...come get me at Bruno's.

Umm what?

Yeah. And don't yell at me when I get in your car.

Give me 10 minutes, sissy.

Kassie got up from the bed, put on her dress and sat on the couch with her head spinning, both mentally and physically. A few minutes later her sister texted her telling her she was downstairs. Well, there was a good reason Mom kept in touch with them...She ran down the stairs carrying her shoes opening the car door.

"Umm...good morning?" Olivia told her sister as she slid in the car seat hitting her head on the window almost falling asleep.

"Hi. Thank you."

"Do you want to tell me what just happened? You smell like nasty drunken sex, Kittie." she told her.

"Oh, well at least I don't smell like a life ruiner boyfriend cheater." she lifted her head up putting her hands on her forehead. "Oh my head...where's the Advil?" she asked her sister grabbing her purse.

"Here, Kass..." she said throwing her a small bottle.

"Oh god, thank you..." she said putting 3 pills in her hand swallowing them without water in one gulp.

"Maybe if I take some more I'll forget about tonight..." she told her sister.

"Just come over, sleep it off and then we can go over to mom's for dinner, k?" Olivia replied understanding exactly what had happened even though Kassie was silent.

"Ugh...okay..." Kassie moaned closing her eyes placing her hand on her head.


Kassie woke up on her sister's couch covered with a blanket wearing one of her sister's old t-shirts and pajama bottoms. She glanced over into the small kitchen seeing her sister and her boyfriend Travis laughing at her.

"Good morning, sunshine.." Olivia laughed. "Or afternoon..."

"Don't remind me, I just wasted my day. I wanted to go shopping, and to the gym...and..."

"Here,'s some breakfast..." Olivia said walking over to her sister handing her a pile of her favorite – green eggs and ham.

"Thank you...." Kassie laughed. "How did you have this stuff at your house?" she asked.

"I knew you'd do something stupid while you were here. You haven't done anything stupid since you broke up with him...and even the blind and deaf veteran with broken legs at the corner of the street asking for beer money can tell you've already mentally broken up with Andrew. And shit, from what I've heard, Bruno is...has...improved since you broke up."

Kassie thought about sharing the details of the mind blowing hook-up she just had but was plagued with her life ruiner relationship ending experience. She nodded her head with her face turning slightly more pink than it already was.

"Oh, shit...Kassie...I thought you just made out with him....what really happened?" Olivia whispered keeping her voice low so Travis didn't hear.

"I don't want to talk about it. Ever...." she said getting up walking toward her sister's bedroom. "I'm going to borrow your jeans and a shirt..." she said running into the bathroom.

"If you want to borrow those things you better tell me what happened Olivia snapped.

"Naw. I want to add clothes stealer to my list of redeeming qualities..." Kassie said poking her head out of the bathroom.

"Alright. That's cool." Olivia laughed. "She totally slept with him..." Olivia told Travis who was utterly confused by the previous exchange.


Olivia sat on the couch of the hotel room watching Kassie get dressed for their family dinner. Clarissa ran out holding a straighter in her hand. "Does my hair look okay? I want to make a good first impression."

"We're not going to meet Prince William, Clarissa. We're going my mom's house. Geez. Come on..." Kassie pulled her co-worker away from the mirror taking both of their purses motioning to her sister to leave the room.

"Alright. Mom's going to cook your favorite too...." Olivia said.

"Yeeeessss..." Kassie said doing a little dance in the car.

They walked in the house rather uneventfully. They talked and watched America's Funniest Home Videos laughing the whole time. Halfway through the show the doorbell rang.

"Go get it, hands are full..." her mother yelled.

"But who is i...." she opened the door yelling at the same time. "Shit."

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