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"So, this is it." I said and dragged Niall inside my room. All those weeks I've always gone to his place, today is the first time he's in my house. He has seen it when he has dropped me off of course, but he's never gone inside, until now. I had given him a house tour already and my room was the final destination.

I'm a little nervous because my room hasn't changed since I was a kid. The main colour is pink and it looks like a room of a four-year-old.

"It looks..." He said and looked around some more, "like your mum has put a lot of effort in decorating it."

"Ha ha very funny." I said with a sarcastic tone.

"What? I just didn't expect it to be this pink, that's all." He defended himself.

"I know, it's a bit childish, but I just haven't found the time to redecorate it." I said and sat down on my bed.

"Haven't found the time or was it laziness?"

He knows me to well.

"Might be the latter." I sheepishly smiled.

"Thought so." He grinned and sat down next to me.

"How are you doing? I imagine yesterday has taken a toll on you." He asked while we found a comfortable place to sit, not too far away from each other.

"I feel relieved, mostly." I told him.

"It's like my past has always put an invisible barrier between us and now that I told you, I can completely be me." I explained.

"Okay, that's good." He nodded. Today's been a hell of a day for the both of us. I've been trying to sooth Niall because I know he's nervous about what's to come. I am too.

I noticed something was off when I first stepped into the car this morning. There wasn't playing any music. When I asked him about it, he just said he wasn't in the mood for it. Which sounded nothing like Niall. He's been like that the whole day. I tried to calm him down during lunch, but he just gave me a fake smile and told me he was fine. I knew he was nervous about telling me, I just didn't think It'd be this bad.

I couldn't help but think that maybe we've done this the wrong way. Maybe we shouldn't have forced ourselves to tell each other everything from our past in one time. Maybe we should've just went with it and didn't have to put a date or time on opening up. But maybe this could be good. Once it's done, it's done, and we won't have to deal with that anymore.

"Alright, fuck it. I just want to have it over with." He sighed and ran with his hand though his hair.

"You got this; I'm not going anywhere." I smiled and grabbed his hand to try and comfort him the best I could.

"So, it all started when I was ten. My mum and dad got into this big fight while I was already sleeping. I woke up by the sound of something crashing. I heard my mum shout in pain right after that. God, that scream still hounts me sometimes. I grabbed Mr. Cuddles, my teddy bear, and went downstairs as quiet as possible. I was so scared that in between their loud fighting they would hear me." I couldn't help but imagine little Niall, being scared as fuck, walk down the stairs with his teddy in his arms. I felt my eyes watering just from seeing that happen.

"When I arrived in the kitchen, my mum was the only one there. Just then I registered that the shouts had stopped. When my mum turned around and saw me, I dropped Mr. Cuddles in shock. She was begging me to go back to my room before he got back, but I couldn't move. She was sitting there on her knees, her face littered in bruises and little cuts, blood running out of her nose and her hair all over the place. My dad... he threw a bottle of whiskey at her face." He said. I feel so bad for Maura. How could anyone do this to her? How could anyone get it over their hearts and hurt her like this? The first tear rolled over my cheek, and I grabbed his other hand.

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