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There's something about sitting in a waiting room that makes me uncomfortable. Maybe it's sitting with all the strangers, maybe It's about the reason I'm there, it just makes me feel uneasy.

"Harper?" Victoria, my therapist, came into the room and motioned with her head to her office. I grabbed my bag and followed her inside.

It's been three days since I found out my dead is still alive. School's been over for about thirty minutes and Niall dropped me off here. It's been a good while since my last appointment, but I felt like I needed to talk to her.

She's helped me so much this past year. I owe her big time.

"It's been a while." She said once we were both seated on the yellow sofas at the back of the room. The walls were all painted white and there was a weird artsy drawing of an elephant hanging on it. A small coffee table was stood in between the couches and in the corner of the room was a giant plant. It felt comforting, but I guess that makes sense seeing that this is a therapist's office.

"Yeah, life's been good." I nodded.

"I'm so happy for you, Harper. You've come a long way." She told me with a smile that showed the crinkles by her eyes.

"Thank you." I spoke.

"Do you want to talk about something in specific or just... about life?" She asked me, crossing her one leg over the other.

"I guess there is a reason I came here today, but I could use a nice talk first." I asked her.

"Of course." She smiled and took a sip of her glass of water.

"So, I made new friends about two months ago." I said and she raised her eyebrows with her usual smile on her face. I've never seen her not smile, it's insane.

"That's amazing, Harper. Tell me about them!" She excitedly said.

"Well, first there's Louis. He's really funny and just lovely. Then there's his boyfriend Harry, he's like the nicest person you'll ever meet. Then there's also Liam, he's Amelia's boyfriend now actually. He really is a sweetheart. And Zayn, he's really cool." I talked to her about them for a while. They really are the most amazing people I've ever met.

"And romantically? Got anything going on at the moment?" She smirked. I know that she knows about Niall. My mum still comes here every week and I'm a hundred percent sure she's mentioned him to her.

"Yes, I have a boyfriend." I said after rolling my eyes.

"Niall, is it?" She smiled and took another sip of her drink.

"Yeah, wait, I'll show you a picture." I said and took my phone out of my pocket. I opened my camera roll and searched for a good picture.

"Here, that's him." I said and showed her a picture Louis took of us a few weeks ago. I remember him saying how cute we looked that day. I was wearing his yellow sweater from The Eagles again and we were both laughing about something Liam said.

"I'm really proud of you for everything you've achieved these past months I haven't seen you." She said and handed me my phone back.

"And, he's a real hottie." She subtly added.

"Vic!" I laughed and turned of my phone.

"Oh, let me be. And you can't say you disagree with me." She said with a 'duh' expression.

"Well, no. But he could be your son for god's sake." I chuckled.

"Eh, that doesn't seem to matter anymore these days." She shrugged.

"Fine, whatever floats your boat, I guess." I said with a smile.

"Now, enough about the fun part. Let's talk about what made you come here." She became serious.

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