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audrey newman

i look around my green walls, covered in band posters and vinyls. my bed had a wooden frame but it was supposed to be like that, matching my whole simplistic idea.

clock already struck 7 pm, mom was already out buying groceries and driving around town just to get used to the smell of tulsa. my mind was somewhere else until i heard the neighbors hollering from what i supposed was their backyard, all guys.

i got up and looked out my window, last time i checked, fourth of july wasn't until next week. the loud screams and blasting music was killing me, i put on my sweatshirt and walked outside in my white vans, towards the neighbors' house.

at first i was hesitant to knock on the door but i didn't want my mom joining in on them sooner or later, so i took the risk and banged on their door. no answer the first knock, went for a second one. same thing with the first one, nothing.

third times a charm and i lastly knocked, the door swung open to reveal a muscular man in a tight black t-shirt with a funny apron covering it. "may i help you?"

"just came by to tell you that i could hear you from my bedroom window." i informed the man.

"my fault, ma'am. you must live in the thornsmiths' old house, huh?" he chuckled.

"sure?" i didn't know how to actually answer a question like that, he smiled.

"name's darryl curtis but i like to go by 'darry', interested in looking at what's going on?" he offered, i looked at my house that had no one in it.

"i guess it wouldn't hurt." i shrugged.

darry led me inside his home, all small inside with furniture surrounding the place. there was a glass cabinet with two pictures, one woman and the other contained a man, next to the frames were vases of flowers.

i followed darry to his kitchen, there stood a door. through the door had a bunch of teenage boys running around with sparklers, firecrackers, and even a knife. a boy with greased hair dropped the knife as soon as he saw darry, i tried my best not to laugh.

my eyes met sodapop's eyes, the worker from the dx! there was also steve but he was already macking on some girl with curls on a beach chair, the rest were frozen at their feet just staring at darry and me.

"hey audrey!" sodapop jogged towards me, engulfing me in such a random hug.

"sodapop!" i smiled.

as sodapop pulled away from the hug, darry and a few guys started staring at us now. it was like one small hug can just throw a spotlight at you, i thought my shorts fell off or something.

sodapop grabbed my hand and dragged me to the group of boys who were already whispering and snickering. two had greased hair, one had sideburns with a beer in their hand, and the other was as shy as a baby bird.

"guys, this is audrey newman. i met her at the dx and she is my new neighbor." sodapop introduced me, i smiled. "audrey these are the guys, tallest one is dally who you should avoid having a thing for, beer boy is two-bit who's pretty drunk, johnny is the one in the jacket, and ponyboy is the sleeveless jacket one."

some said a polite "hello" but dally really got the nerve to call me doll. darry walked over with a pan of hotdogs, everyone but me took one. i crossed my arms as i noticed how dark the sky was getting.

"listen, it's getting late and my mom will most likely be home soon so i guess i can call this a night?" i grinned before turning around.

"oh wait!" sodapop's muffled voice called, stuffed from eating that hotdog. "you busy tomorrow?"

"as far as i know, no." i replied, he smiled in relief.

"good because we're heading over to this lake tomorrow for a summer swim, you want to tag along?" he asked.

"i'd love to." i accepted his offer, then sent him a small hug before walking away.

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