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audrey newman

i slipped into a red dress that was mini skirt length at the bottom, adding matching heels for the final touch. didn't really know if i looked like a hooker but was sure i'm not one of them.

i traveled out of my bedroom to the living room to be greeted by one of my mom's many hookups, "you must be audrey, i'm ryder."

"okay." it was quick but my mom soon walked it, "leaving for dal's party, i'll be home by 11."

"there better be no alcohol, drugs, and sex." mom warned me.

"it's dally's party, can't promise you the first and last one." i joked, she glared. "kidding!"

"let her have fun, brooke." ryder pleaded.

"i like this one, this one's a keeper." i pointed at ryder who was laughing, mom pushed me out of the house.

from the window, i caught them kissing already. my heels were already killing me the moment i was off my yard, two-bit walked out of the curtis' house and over to me with his beer can in his hand.

"buck's?" he questioned, i nodded. "me too, sista!"

"you're a hood, not some gangster." i giggled.

he rolled his eyes at me while occupying the spot next to me on our way, he threw his empty bottle away on someone's years. we walked down the path once more along with crossing the crosswalks, buck's was a long way from here if you walked with someone half-drunk.

end of time and we officially made it to buck's without two-bit throwing up on someone's yard, dudes in shades walked up to us in chants for two-bit. he gave them to odd look telling them we ain't together, at least he's telling the truth.

we entered the bar that was pilled up with people bumping heads or shoulders with each, i minded my own business and turned to two-bit but he was already gone with the crowd.

i sighed while trying to break through the crowd to get to the bar for some pop or water, the shelves were stacked up with cheap liquor that had other brands glued to it. drunk people can't tell if it's real or not and just accept the drink

"hello there, pretty lady." the bartender greeted, "names buck and i will provide with any fine liquor or drink you'd like."

"got some pop?" i asked him, he nodded with a smile that seemed so insincere that i didn't purchase any alcohol.

the bartender handed me a can of soda and i turned around to look at the crowd, jam packed once i turned my back for 5 minutes. everybody was dancing around to the rolling stones as i just sat there in peace.

all was good until i watched soda walk in all depressed with steve yapping on his back, i quickly turned around to act like i ain't seen nothing or nobody. i could hear steve yelling out such happy words at the crowd as someone's footsteps trail from behind, one hand on my shoulder.

"you look like you ain't enjoying yours-" the voice stops as soon as we make eye contact, dally. "audrey!"

"hey dal, fun seeing you hit on some broad you thought was just a random." i grinned, he immediately took his hand off of me.

"i didn't know, sorry." he sat next to me as the bartender handed him a beer, "two brought you in?"

"if he didn't then i wouldn't be here." i pointed out, "soda out there?"

"steve's probably finding the women to hook him up with." dally said, taking down one big gulp of his beer.

i asked for a shot of vodka as soon as he said that, of course that little devil smirk of his came back. the glass was sitting right in front of me and all i had to do was gulp it all down, the burning sensation in my mouth made me feel alive but dizzy at the same time, so i asked for more.

more and more came until dally stopped me, i was at a streak of 9 but dally knew i couldn't pay for it all. instead, he was a gentleman about it and put it on the house since he knew i wasn't stable enough to count the money i had on me.

"how about some dancing, huh? dance it off, doll." dally patted my shoulders while pushing me away from the bar.

"but i want more." i whined.

"no!" dally backed me away.

i gave up, making my way to the dance floor with blurry visions. girls swaying their bodies around guys or just casually making out with them on the floor, i wanted to throw up right there and then but with the realization of the people around me, i couldn't.

one man went up to me, i swung my arms around his shoulder as he began to dance. i was laughing of course until warm sweaty hands travel up my dress, i tried slapping away the hands but they just kept going further up until they reached my underwear.

i looked over at dally who wasn't paying attention but just wiping the counter, nobody paid attention really. my mind was somewhere else that stopped me from yelling for help.

that was when the man was socked right in the nose, i finally had the small fraction of being sober to see who caused that, it was nobody but soda. the man fell back with his nose in his hands, i was yanked away by my arm and outside the place.

"you're drunk, you're fucking drunk!" soda laughed, he was drunk too.

"such a shame." i rolled my eyes and began walking, soda kept jogging his drunk ass next to me. "leave me alone, curtis."

"dangerous if you walk alone on the streets, don't want a repeat of what just happened."

"why do you care? you're the one who called me a rebound from sandy and tried getting into my pants, along with the fact that you spreader a total lie saying i slept with you even though we all know i didn't." i fought back.

"it was a fucking hangover for christ's sake! you think i would remember anything from a pounding headache?!" soda stopped in front of me, "i ain't the same anymore when you're not here, audrey!"

"you're drunk, okay? i know you won't remember anything tomorrow morning so let's just drop it." i walked past him but he was still in front of me no matter what.

"i'm not gonna drop it, audrey!" he yelled so loudly that even the people around us turned their lights one, "i'm not drunk, i know what i'm saying! i'm saying that i'm in love with you, i want you, i need you with me! there isn't a day that goes by where you're not in my mind."

i look into his eyes and knew that he meant it, he meant it all. soda's great and all but i'm afraid that i'll break his heart too fast, or i might take advantage of his little gullible life that i might make him come back to me just to do it all again.

i pushed past soda in tears, he stood there while staring me down the street. it was wrong but i knew it was for the best, maybe i just needed some time to just think for myself before doing so.

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