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sodapop curtis

dally must've said something so wrong and offensive to audrey, she hasn't stopped by the house everyday like she always does. her windows were always closed and blinded by her blinds, no other movement around her bedroom.

i waited everyday for audrey to walk out of her house just so i could talk to her but no one was around, even her mom tells the gang she went out when we all know it was a total lie.

"what do you think dally said to audrey?" i questioned, eyes glued to mickey mouse.

"probably getting her to have sex with him." two-bit assumed.

"he probably told her off." ponyboy added.

dally was nowhere near interested in audrey, her kind blonde soul was no match for her delinquent personality. dally must've brought in a dark rumor about gang as in we weren't the right kind for her, he does that with every girl anyone in the gang gets. mostly all of them don't take in that fact.

dally walked in all mr. nice guy with his sunglasses, i lunged at him with the collars to his shirt locked in my hands. i slammed his back against the door while the other guys tried backing me off of him.

"what the hell did you say to audrey?!" i swung at him, steve had to drag me away from him.

"if you want to know so badly then ask audrey yourself," dally checked for any bloody damage on his face, "maybe she'll try kicking your ass like you tried to do with mine!"

i pushed past dally, making my way to audrey's window. i pounded on the window until she opened it, she rolled her eyes when trying to close it back but i left my palms under the window.

audrey pushed me away when i tried to climb in, she only sat there in anger. "what do you want now?"

"did dally say something to you?" i gave her a stern voice, "did he or did he not, say shit?!"

"oh, shit as in how i was just your rebound from sandy? that you told the gang that we went all the way?!" audrey argued, "i think so. you know what, soda? if sandy never existed then you'd have no problems and be a normal person, but you seem to be the type who cannot get over a bitch with issues!"


"i don't want to hear it, i really liked you soda but you blew it all away by calling me a rebound from sandy." audrey pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "now please go."

audrey closed the window and blinds, i stuffed my hands into my back pockets, giving her window one last look before going back to my house. audrey will never forgive me after that, did she actually like me?

i can't believe i blew it off just because some ex-girlfriend of mine was so possessive and obnoxious that i was still crazy for her. audrey was nowhere near sandy, she didn't just ask to make out or make me stand next to her while walking past some guy she knew she'd have in her bed by that night.

never have i liked someone so much that i was eager to win them back by giving myself a second chance at their window.

𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 :: 𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘱 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴Where stories live. Discover now