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audrey newman

the sound of my mom pulling into the driveway roars, my eyes were glued to the tv after skipping through channel after channel, trying to find the right show to fall asleep to.

mom walks in with a few bags from the market, i got up and walked out to help her with most of them. coincidentally, sodapop runs outside to my lawn, carrying more bags than i was holding.

"sodapop, it's late, i can do this myself." i glared at him.

"need to talk to your mom about tomorrow, don't want her thinking i'm kidnapping you." sodapop smirked.

"who's kidnapping my daughter?" mom leans against the door frame with a smile, i stood my distance from sodapop. "hey soda, said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

"yeah actually, was wondering if your daughter could come on a little road trip to the lake with us." sodapop requested.

"of course! i need a break tomorrow so why not, she needs to make friends anyways." my mom looked at me, i rolled my eyes and brought in the groceries unbothered.

- -

i woke up to an unfamiliar bedroom but quickly realized i just moved and it was my first night, i got up and opened the curtains. there was no usual breakfast cooking smell from the kitchen, mom usually wakes up at the crack of dawn just to make breakfast.

i threw on my shorts before walking out. the kitchen was empty but mom was sleeping on the couch, today was the day the people she hired to bring her bed in were coming.

there was not much in the fridge so i grabbed a quick apple, walking back to my room. i searched through my closet for a backpack, one was perfect just to put my clothes and swimsuit in.

once i finished the apple, it was thrown into my trash bin. i finished packing so i decided to just brush my teeth to hide away the few apple bits that were probably stuck in between my tooth. i then washed my face before letting my hair down, i was going swimming so there was no need for makeup.

as i'm walking to my room, i lifted my graphic t-shirt off and tried finding a nice tank top while topless. there was this grey tank top i got from a local beach that my mom's ex-boyfriend's apartment was at. mom left him when she found out he was still doing drugs while promising her he'd stop, they almost got married.

i threw on the tank top, grabbed my backpack along with my baseball cap and a hair tie around my wrist. as i walked towards the kitchen looking for a pen, it sounded like my neighbors were ready for this special day.

i finally found my pen and wrote out with friends, be back! on the board before walking out of the house, the same boys from last night were there. steve was lips-free for the first time and i could finally see his whole face, he got one big nose for sure.

"hey guys!" i walked over to them with a smile, they all greeted me with a handshake but sodapop went for a hug which was okay too.

"hey audrey, soda told me you were coming along?" darry asks while packing the cooler.

"i guess so, sorry if you mind." i quickly apologized, i only met these boys for one night.

"it's alright, kind of boring with the 7 of us anyways." he shrugged with a smile, "you might want to find a seat in the car before a sweet spot gets taken."

"that's alright dar, she's sitting next to me." sodapop reached in, i nodded.

"who would want to sit next to you?" steve sneered.

"shut up!" sodapop then playfully fought him.

i pushed past them and found a spot next to dally, soda then raced to the next to me before two-bit could. darry packed the last of it, everybody was where they had to be. steve wanted to go solo so he took his own car, two-bit went with him but i was told it was the only way he could drink beer in a car without darry.

ponyboy and johnny were with darry, just bumping heads every time they tried to fall asleep. dally was squished next to me but i tried my best to get closer to sodapop every time he opened the window for a cigarette, two cigarettes in 30 minutes for a 17 year old.

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