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sodapop curtis

i was helping steve out with the cars since register was kind of broken and i needed something to keep me occupied at work, talking to girls with unpaid items is the last thing i'd want to do.

not much was brought into discussion besides evie who steve started talking to for a while, never made it official but friends with benefits i supposed. they reminded me so much of sandy from junior high who would always walk down the halls with me and steve.

"saw sandy that other night, you guys talking or what?" steve asks while trying to fix the car.

"she's leaving for florida with her baby, it ain't even mine." i explained.

"ya know, if you feel that lonely then get with audrey or something. you know, as a rebound." steve suggested, i laughed.

"if i were to ever see audrey as a rebound, maybe my sandy problems would be gone." i joked.

the door chimes in from the front, i walk over to see who it was. nothing but a bunch of girls in their freshman year, they all smiled and whispered at me as i just stood there annoyed like usual.

audrey then walked in all confused, when the girls were looking the other direction, i motioned for her to come behind the counter with me. audrey did what was commanded, i wrapped her in a tight embrace with such a silent whisper.

"go along as my girlfriend, don't worry, i won't do anything dirty."

we broke apart from the hug and audrey plants a peck onto my lips, "missed you all day, babe!"

"so did i." i smiled at audrey.

the girls looked at us weirdly before leaving, they never picked up anything really. audrey walked back to the front of the counter, picking out a pack of gum and twizzlers. she then searched through her pockets for money but i stopped her.

"since you helped me out with those girls, this one's on the house." i smiled at her.

"well then," she widens her eyes, "tonight i was thinking you and me hangout? ya know, other than swimming in a lake?"

"no yeah, of course!" i accepted, "where to?"

"the baseball field is abandoned at night from what i've been stalking, see you at 9:30?" she raises an eyebrow at me.

"you got it." i winked at her.

audrey then grabbed her stuff, exited the place in full smiles. i wouldn't just call it a date myself, always want to know if it's clarified with the other. steve looked like he had just finished as he wiped his oil covered hands, later trying to pick out a donut from the bag box i picked up this morning.

i read the sports magazine while he was doing that, he must've noticed audrey was her since her perfume left a permanent scent in our store. steve smirked and pushed a little, i pretended to not know what he was thinking.

"rebound came?" steve snickered.

"again, she's a rebound if i ever start caring a lot about sandy." i scoffed.

"you fuck her, then she becomes a rebound." steve reminds me, "when i got over that junior chick, i fucked nick evans' sister."

"again, i ain't fucking anybody and nobody's sister!" i told him, "you go fuck yourself if you think that's the first thing i'd do to audrey."

"whatever man, she looks like a virgin to me." steve shrugs.

"she's pretty cool, pretty too. i don't want to hurt her or anything, i'll just be her friend until whatever happens." i defended the rumors or whatever he was gonna try to cause.

"go on break then, think about it." steve patted my back, "i'll take over."

𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 :: 𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘱 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴Where stories live. Discover now