Chapter 8 - Finding Jay

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"Did you find them?!" Voight asked as the team gathered around Hailey and Ruzek.

"I went to talk with Will and Ruzek went to talk with Alex but there was no sight of Jay there. The nurse said he just got discharged when we got there." Hailey said trying to keep professional and not letting her emotions take over.

" Wait Will is calling me" Hailey said as everyone went quiet.

Hailey I just got some information that might help you find Jay - Will

What have you got for me? Hailey signed for someone to write down what she's about to say.

Alex just got send a text and video of Jay being tortured saying that if she wants to see him alive again she has to come to the corner of 39th street of California alone as they still want their last payment in exchange for Jay - Will

Okay thansk Will. See in you in a bit we're coming to pick you guys up - Hailey.

And with that she hung up the phone.

"Got it. The corner of 39th street of California. It's a big mansion who was recently bought by a Jill Dunning for 2 millions. Seems a bit suspicious right?" Antonio said looking up at Atwater and Voight.

"As soon as that girl gets her we need to get her geared up so we can go save Jay" Voight said as Hailey and Ruzek came into the bullpen with Alex.

Voight walked towards them as Alex walked backwards and flinch.

"Hey Alex, I'm Hank Voight, the chief of the Chicago Police Department's intelligence unit." Voight said reaching his hand out for her to shake it.

"It's okay. Take your time. I just want you to know that you have a whole team of people here who's behind you and protecting you and your brothers. But we do need your help to find Jay, is that okay?" Voight said smiling at her as she slightly.

"Hailey, why don't you take her into the coffee room and explain to her what the plan is?" Ruzek asked as Hailey lead her into the room and closed the door.

"Poor girl, she's so scared. Are you sure this is gonna work?" Ruzek asked looking at Voight with worried eyes as he look into the break room seeing Hailey hug Alex.

"I will do it. If it's to safe Jay and keep both of them safe. Then I'll do it" Alex said walking out of the room with Hailey.

As Alex is getting geared up they all got into their cars with Alex driving with Hailey and Ruzek.

"Remember we're all with you all the way. We can hear everything that's going on, so you won't be alone. Good luck kiddo" Ruzek said as Alex jumped out of the car.

Walking up to house the door got opened and she walked in.

"Well well well. If that isn't Alex Halstead." The man said turning around in his chair laughing.

"Where is he?" Alex asked crossing her arms, putting up the tough image she has at the home.

"Not so quick my love" The man said as Alex wanted to gag by that nickname.

"You said last payment for detective Halstead. I'm here alone as you can see, so where the fuck is he?! I want to see him alive before anything else" Alex said getting pissed off at this guy.

"Still the same old stubborn bitch as always i see. I just made a few changes in the plan" The man said standing up walking in front of his desk.

"Bring him in and let him watch the process" The man said as one of the other guys came in with Jay throwing him on the floor.

"See he's alive. Now let's get down to business" The man said walking towards Alex.

"Not so quick my love" Alex said mocking him for saying it earlier. As she ran over to Jay taking the rape off his mouth.

"Jay, I'm here. I'm going to get you out of here. The team is outside they can hear everything" Alex whispered to Jay caressing his cheek that was filled with blood like the rest of him was.

She kissed his forehead as the man pulled her away from him from behind.

"I thought I told you to come alone!" The man said pulling out the GPS tracker planted on her.

"Change in plans. You want him out of here alive? Finish him for me" The man said pushing her down on the floor next to Jay pointing a gun to his head.

"CHICAGO PD DROP YOUR WEAPONS" Ruzek yelled as the door was busted open.

Alex were fighting the men while trying to get Jay free when a shot was hurt. The man that was hovering over her was dead. She pushed him off grabbed a gun and shot after the boss.

"Don't move. You're under arrest" Jay yelled from the back. When a second gun shot was fired.

Alex dropped the gun and walked out the room to where the team was and walked straight over to Ruzek.

"They wanted me to do it on Jay instead of. I had to shoot them" Alex said breaking down in Ruzek's arms.

"Let's go out and talk shall we?" Ruzek asked Alex as she nodded her head with Ruzek carrying her out as she got a big cut on her leg.


Ruzek came running into the ED to be greeted by Maggie.

"Oh god what happened to her?" Maggie said worried looking at Alex.

"She had to go undercover for us so we could get Jay back alive. Can we get a room to talk where she can also be treated" Ruzek asked as Maggie nodded her head leading them down to treatment 6.

"Dr. Rhodes will be in to treat her soon just let me know when you're ready." Maggie said as Ruzek nodded his head thanking her.

"Where's Will?" Alex asked looking up at Ruzek.

"He's safe. We put him into protection until all of this is over." Ruzek said smiling at her.

"I'm sorry did I interrupt anything?" Dr. Rhodes asking walking into the room with his tablet.

"No you didn't it's okay" Ruzek said standing up about to leave when Alex grabbed his wrist.

"Please stay" Alex said looking up at Ruzek with tear eyes as Ruzek took the seat next to Alex again holding her hand this time.

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