Chapter 7 - Protective custody

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Hailey and Adam stormed into MED to be greeted by Maggie.

"Where's Jay, Will and Alex?" Ruzek asked looking concerned at Maggie.

"Alex is still in the ICU, Jay just got discharged and Will is treating a patient in treatment 2" Maggie said as Ruzek went up to Alex and Hailey went to notify Will.

Ruzek gets taken up to where Alex and waits a bit till Ethan is done talking with her.

"Hey Alex. I'm detective Adam Ruzek. I talked with you earlier with my co-worker detective Hailey Upton" Adam walking in slowly to not scare her too much as he saw she started curling together away from him.

"What do you want?" She said looking at him with fear and hatred eyes.

"I just want to have a little talk with you to see if you can maybe remember anything more that happened in that home you lived. That might be able to help us get to the bottom of this case" Adam said trying to gain just a little bit of her trust.

"Okay" Alex said as Adam moved closer to her.

In the E.D

Hailey walked in a steady tempo down in the ED to see Will at his computer station.

"Hailey, hey" Will said.

"Will i need to talk with you! It's an emergency" Hailey said as Will quickly understood was this might could be about.

"Okay we can go into the break room and talk" Will said leading into the room, closing the door behind him.

"We might need to put you in to protective custody. The people who are behind this case are focus on getting some dna from Alex that they can sell on but if they can't manage to get her they will come for you and Jay" Hailey said looking worried at Will as Ruzek stormed into the room.

"Hailey, I can't do that again. Last time I got cut off from the world completely." Will said as Hailey was about to say something when Ruzek stormed into the room.

"I just got a call from Voight. We need to go now!" Ruzek said looking intensely at Hailey who looked at Will.

"Will go up to Alex and stay there till you hear anything else. Hailey come with me" Ruzek continued as Will got lead up and into Alex's room by security who then locked the door.

"Alex, what's happening?!?!" Will said looking at his younger sister who was curled up in fear. He took a seat next her on the bed and hugged her as she grabbed onto him tight.

"They took him Will... They took Jay" Alex said shaking and crying in fear as her phone buzzed.

Will took it and looked at it. It was a video of Jay getting tortured followed by a text.

"If you want your brother back. Come to the corner of 39th street of California and come alone if you want to have the slightest chance of ever seeing him alive again. I still want my last payment"

"Will what is it?" Alex asked trying to take the phone from her brother.

"Don't look. I have to call Hailey" Will said putting the phone in his pocket as he called Hailey.

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