37.5. Look After You

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37.5. Look After You

Liz § Luke

"It's always have and never hold, you've begun to feel like home. What's mine is yours to leave or take, what's mine is yours to make your own." - The Fray


Here is the story of a man and a girl,
who fell in love when words were said
and although the tide tried to bring them down
They stood up tall and fought for equal ground

Okay enough with the horrid rhyming.

I'm not one to be amazing at writing, in fact, that was the first class I failed when I entered high school a few years ago. (I'm not that old) I can tell you quite a bit about those years, I was the Student Body Vice President, and took AP classes in nearly all of them but one; Literature. The only class that always brought me down. And who do you ask always managed to top me in absolutely everything (mostly literature) well that was John Mason.

He was the Student Body President, and the cute hot popular boy who everyone wanted to be with. Why he chose me? I didn't know. Now I really wish I didn't choose him.

Let's skip toward a few cheesy years of John and I. Short story short, John was the absolute world to me, he knew everything about me, and I thought I knew everything about him until I realized he forgot to share one small thing with me.

The night after prom, after I refused to have sex with him he slapped me straight in the cheek. I cried for days, yet didn't have the courage to tell anyone.

He eventually apologize, told me it was the last time he would do it, and I was stupid enough to believe him.

Let's skip a couple more years and I have a job, a best friend, and a very possessive boyfriend. Well during some very dark events in which my best friend Andie wasn't present to shelter me from John's verbal attack - he had stopped hitting me after i threatened to call the police - I accidentally called someone who heard everything through the other line.

And then I had another best friend.

His name is Luke.

He confronted me about John and the, and I quote 'fucked up relationship' that we had and threatened to call the police on John. John didn't hold back and blamed me for Luke's sudden interest on me, and after minutes of arguing he had his hand back on my cheek.

Luke, with the help of Andie, didn't stop at nothing till John was behind bars. Even though as I heard, he was freed a week later and now can't be close to me. Ever.

After that I saw Luke as my hero, and the friendship which he had for me was nothing compared to the feelings that I had started to feel towards him. I wanted to tell him, I wanted to shout to the world how much he affected me, and so I prepared a dinner for us and decided it was time to speak.

But the night didn't end as I expected. Because the first thing Luke said to me when I opened my apartment door to him was, "I think I love her."

And by her, he meant Andie. My best friend.

I wasn't angry at her, he was in control of his feelings on every step of the way. Anyway, I just couldn't tell him how I felt.

I stuck by his side either way, and although he only saw me as a friend, I was happy. But he was having as much trouble with Andie as I was having with him.

Andie was and is completely in love with her boy bander Harry (even though they both were too stubborn to admit it) and there was nothing I could do to change it.

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