5. Bloodstream

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5. Bloodstream

“I think I might of inhaled you, I can feel you behind my eyes, you’ve gotten into my bloodstream, I can feel you flowing in me.” – Stateless

-Play song put it on repeat, you’ll need it-

   Talk about hypocrites.

   I cleared my throat, hoping that would separate the lip-locked couple but with the loud sound of the annoying bubble gum music playing and the non-stopping yelling of the intoxicated crowd made sure I wasn’t heard, and it was clear that I wouldn’t be heard, so I did the first thing that came to mine. I grabbed the drink of one of the drunken teenagers dancing around me, he looked at me with a smirk, thinking I took it to drink it but instead I got on my tiptoes in the middle of Harry and Amanda and poured the drink on top of their heads.

  They immediately pulled back, Amanda letting out a loud squeal and Harry a loud ‘fuck’ before their eyes found mine. I smirked, it was about time I had them in my hands. Harry’s eyes opened wide and he scratched his head, he was out of words.

 “You-you can’t say anything to Simon,” was the first thing Amanda said, I shook my head in laughter.

 “You know… Harry called me a whore earlier today, he must know how to recognize em’ then, taken in the fact that he’s around them all the time.” I loudly said as I paced around them.

 “Let’s not talk here; I need a drink, c’mon.” Harry said, and when his hand grabbed my wrist without even noticing what I did I yanked my hand out of his. I don’t know what it was, maybe a shock, but it gave me the immediate reaction to want to pull back from him.

  My eyes narrowed at his surprised face to my pull away, “don’t touch me,” I murmured, still staring at him. “I’ll be in the bar, you figure out your… shit, and go meet me there.” And with that I left, I don’t understand why my body reacted to him that way. I took a seat in one of the vacant stools and called the bar tender over.

 “Two tequila shots make sure to put a lot of lemon on both.” I called, and in that moment the both the stools I was in between moved. I looked at them, smirk still in my face. Amanda and Harry looked so worry, I wanted to take a picture of this.

 “Why didn’t you order three? You’re not drinking?” Harry piped up when the drinks were put in front of us.

I grabbed one of them and shot him a look before gulping it all down at once. “They’re both mine,” I said while the beverage burned all the way from my throat to my stomach. Harry’s eyes widened and turned noticeably dark. I grinned.

“So Mandy,” I turned my stool over to face her. “How about we start negotiating how much it will be to keep my mouth shut?” 

Her eyes locked in mine and she shook her head. “Twenty thousand,” she proposed.

“Gonna need more than that,” I smirked, and grabbed my other shot, looking straight at Harry as I chugged down the other drink. He mischievously stared at me. I don’t know what was going on with me, it was as if something had entered inside me, and Harry’s stare was making me hot.

 “Fifty thousand?”

“Add fifty thousand more and I’ll take your dirty secret to my grave.”

She glared at me and took out her pen and her checking notepad, “Fine,” she growled, but I grabbed the notepad from her hand and shook my head.

“Um, no, I don’t trust checks. I want it on my bank account by tomorrow.”

“Fine,” she scowled at me, “I’m out of here, text me later Harry.” She called, standing up and taking her bag with her. I smiled as I watched her leave, god I hate her, and now I have her on my hands.

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