25. State Of Grace

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25.  State of Grace

Wonderful cover to the side also made by @alternativeharry

Please read ending notes for information about the upcoming contests.

“And I never, saw you coming. And I’ll never be the same.” – Taylor Swift


I held her there, quietly, and carefully, as my eyes stared into her and tried to make her understand that she's the only one for me. And I trying to find a way to be with her and let her know without abandoning Talia. I knew someday I had to tell Andie what happened, and why I can't leave Talia's side but I'm afraid that confession can make her run away.

She looked into my eyes, searching to see if I was speaking the truth and I dropped my hands from her cheek, and pulled her small warm body close to mine in a tight hug. “I mean it.” I whispered in her strawberry scented hair.

She didn't reply, but when her arms finally wrapped my torso I knew she had heard me. But then, I looked up.

And froze.

Talia was out of bed, and in front of the wide glassed window staring at us. The small pout on her lips and her slowly watering eyes told me she was most definitely not okay with what she had just seen.

And then I coughed, and pulled away from Andie. She gave me a small look of confusion before following my gaze, and her eyes widened in understatement before her lips formed a tight line.

She hooked her fingers into the front pockets of her black jeans and nodded. “I knew you didn't mean it anyway.” She murmured quietly, and hopped in the passenger side of the car.

“That's not what I- ugh.” I groaned in slight anger, covering my face with my hands.

When I looked up again, Talia was still by the window, but instead of a sad face, she gave me a happy smile before turning her wheelchair around and wheeling away.

   “Fuck!” I exclaimed loudly, ignoring the fact that Andie was watching from inside before I punched side of the car, only to later on, groan in pain and bring my hand to my face to see the damage I had done. My knuckles were slightly red, but the car had no marks or anything to show the anger I was currently feeling.

 But surprisingly, when I looked up, Andie was watching me from the car. And it looked like she was trying to hide her laughter because her hand was covering half her face, and the crinkles in her eyes that I had learned to love when she laughed appeared. I let out a small huff and walked to the other side, opening the door and jumping in giving her a glance along the way.

   And then, the small smile that was hiding behind her pale hand faded and her lips formed a tight line before she turned to stare out the window.

     “It’s only you.” I said again, as I put the key into the ignition. She could hear me, I knew she could.

   “Let’s not lie now, Harry. Please, I’ve gone through enough bull to have more.” She deadpanned, keeping her eyes on the window.

But albeit her words were serious, I couldn’t give up. Not now, and as she said she had been through so much bull that maybe she just needs a release, one sole day no drama, and happiness and just fun. One day to truly be a teenager.

   And that’s exactly what I had in plan.



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