14. Blame It

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14. Blame It

"Couple more shots you open up like a book." - Of Mice & Men (originally by Jamie Foxx)


I felt my lips curve to a smile in the kiss, and so did his. And no, it wasn't because of the drug that I was feeling so exhilarated, it was because of the kiss that the drug was feeling like it. And that made it even better, knowing that Luke could cause that reaction on me.

He bit my lip softly, and a small moan left my lips. I didn't care that there was a probability that everyone was staring at us, jaws dropped, and that just maybe -- and hopefully -- Harry was glaring at us.

The confidence I always received from the drug was kicking in, taking all the embarrassment I probably would've felt. I was about to pull away when I felt someone yank my arm and pull me back. I whined at the loss of contact.

"What the hell?" I groaned as I looked at Harry, his hand was clutching mine and he looked angrier than I'd ever seen him before.

Luke in the other hand had the biggest smile I had seen, and just by looking at him a smile played on mine too.

"You're a party pooper!"I accused at Harry, and took my hand out of this.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Don't you think that was enough?" He mumbled.

I looked at Luke, and giggled. Second time I giggled ever since I met this boys and I feel ecstatic. I know that by this point it was the drug acting, because normal me would want to slap me for giggling.

"I dunno, ask Luke if that was enough?" I smiled, walking over to Luke.

Luke turned to me, and one of her bandmates slapped his shoulder. "We'll be in the room, remember we only have thirty minutes." Calum laughed, and walked away with the others.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Ashton yelled as he walked away.

I burst out laughing, and noticed how Luke turned nervous next to me. Well I guess it was time to talk about it. I looked at Harry who was in the corner with Talia, his eyes narrowed at us.

"Well, then... Harry, Talia, could you guys leave for a bit?" I said, turning back mischievously to look at them. Talia gave us a thumbs up and looked at Harry.

"Whatever." Harry muttered, and he pushed Talia down the hallway with him.

I took a deep breath and looked back at Luke, I may never get Harry but Luke was interested in me, he actually was, and I think I may be in him too. And now I realize how much that sucks, to like two guys, but also how much it doesn't because there's no chance between Harry and I but there might be between Luke and I.

Which means I won't have to choose, plus, all I need to do is spend enough time with Luke to get Harry completely off my mind. I obviously have some feelings for him now all I need to do is enhance them.

"Okay, well that happened," Luke said, as he leaned back on the wall.

I leaned back too, next to him, "want to tell me why it happened?" I looked at him.

"Well isn't it obvious enough?" He smirked, "you're great, you're beautiful and amazing and I have no idea how Harry has no feelings for you yet."

Oh how I wish he did...

Shut up stupid inner voice. Harry has never and will ever.

He moved to stand next to me, and his hand touched my cheek, his eyes meeting mine in an instant, "but unlike him, I can't help myself to like you.." he whispered. "From the first time we talked, I knew there was something about you... I just need you to let me spend enough time with you so that I can find out what it is.."

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