8. Royals

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8. Royals

“And we’ll never be royals, it don’t run in our blood.” – Lorde


   Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, this was her, this was Talia. She was so beautiful, so much beautiful than I thought she’d be, but she was in a wheelchair; how the hell did she end up in a wheelchair? Does it have to do with Harry..? Is this even the Talia they were talking about, for all I know there could be thousands of Talia around, well not that many, but I can’t really see Harry with a girl as innocent and nice looking as her.

  The expression on her face when she noticed I was literally gawking at her was precious, the shock that over covered me didn’t actually let me care one bit, what I was wondering about was if this was his Talia, what had happened to her, and how in love they are. I know it’s none of my business but the curiosity I have towards Harry’s rude attitude is greater than my fear of what Harry might do if he finds out I’m snooping around his life.

  “Well…” She uncomfortably began, “What would you like to order? We have about forty minutes before we close.” Her hands grabbed onto the wheels of her chair and she drove herself behind the counter, a beautiful yet awkward smile still on her face.

  “Just coffee,” I replied, my mind elsewhere.

 “I’ll be right on it, really sweet right?” She wondered with a smile.

 I snapped my head towards her, a curious smile taking over my lips. “How did you know?”

 “My brother Luke hasn’t stopped talking about you.” (A/N: I know he doesn’t have any sisters but just go along with it)

  If I had been drinking anything I’m sure I would have choked, she was Luke’s sister!? What the actual hell! Does this mean this is not the Talia I’m searching for because I was sure Harry didn’t know Luke… but the stares they were giving each other…. Nothing is making sense.

 I guess the only way to find out is confronting Talia about it.

 I watched her carefully as she added cream to my coffee, eyeing her carefully. “Oh did he, did he also tell you I have a boyfriend?”  I inquired, resting my elbows on the counter. I watched as her body went rigid but quickly went back to normal. She gave me a smile, but I could tell it was fake.

  “He also told me about that.” She said as she grabbed the sugar. “He said your fiancée is that famous guy Harry Styles.”

  I didn’t know how I was going to do this, but from what I heard from that phone call Harry had with her she is afraid something is actually happening between us, so I might just use that to find out about this girl. Jealousy is a powerful thing, and I know she won’t be able to control herself for long.

 “Yeah,” I smiled proudly. “My Harry finally had the guts to ask me to marry him, I’m really sorry about your brother, if I had met him before, maybe then….” I was serious about that last statement, Luke seemed like the perfect boy anyone would want for a boyfriend, he was funny, hot, and looked like a caring person. Everything Harry doesn’t have.

  Her smile dropped a bit, but it was still there. “Oh… your Harry sounds quite… nice,” her jaw was tight, as if she was clenching her teeth as she spoke.

  “He’s quite the romance god too!” I exclaimed animatedly, secretly watching her face. “You should see how he asked me to be his wife, oh god that was the most embarrassing yet greatest day of my life. He did it while I was shopping with my friends,  we heard a commotion and there he was standing in one of the tables of the mall singing isn’t she lovely to me. I knew from there on that we would be together forever.” I dreamingly said.

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