39. Brand New Day

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"And I.. I think I'll change my ways, so all your words get noticed. Tomorrows' a brand new day; tomorrow is a new day." - Forty Foot Echo


I had never taken a notice to how fast sixty seconds could be - I had never cared. Time was always in my mind a way to show my success but now time was everything. And the frustration that filled me as my eyes traveled from the road to the time on my car was immense.

I was stuck in traffic and the cars in front of me didn't show any sign of movement. My phone was gripped in my hand and I yet again sent her another text. I'm sure by now she had many.

To: Bichette😍: I'm on my way to the airport. We have to talk. Can you please wait?

No reply.

I looked up from my phone when there was a horn and I looked through the review mirror at the angry woman behind me, and then back at the clear road in front of me. They finally had moved. Immediately, I sped of, earning yet another horn from the woman behind me but I didn't care.

I looked at the time again and cussed loudly when I realized it was already 8:58, but the hopes that the airplane would arrive late still remained. The lights from the crowded airport came to view, and I ignored the read lights as I made my turn in and sped towards the parking lot.

I'm sure I didn't park correctly at all, but I would deal with the ticket later, all I cared about right now was the woman I love leaving me. I just couldn't let that happen.

The airport was as crowded as ever as I ran inside, and only stopped shortly to check the headboard showing the times of the airplanes.

Puerto Rico: 8:50 Status: Late

Italy: 8:55 Status: On time

Brazil: 9:00 Status: Late

Ireland: 9:00 Status: On time

I cussed under my breath as I realized they were probably starting to fill in the airplane with people, and ran to the front desk.

The first guy on the line was about to step forward and I stood in front of me. He gave me a dark look. "You can just wait in the back of the line like everyone else you know." He angrily said to me.

I was beyond done. I turned around. "I could, but then I could cut losers like you." I said back to him.

God I was turning into her.

Before a word left my lips to the lady who quietly looked at us from the desk, a security guard came.

"Hey no cutting!" A guard immediately told me, who clearly heard the complains of the people behind me.

"I just have to ask her a question, but you'll do too. Do you know where is the gateway to the Ireland flight?" I asked breathlessly, all the running had ran me out.

"The Ireland flight? Oh I'm sure they're about to leave right now..."

"Yeah I know thats why I need to go there now because-"

The guard raised his finger and I stopped talking, "look behind you kid..." the guard said, and I did as told and looked out the massive windows to where all the airplanes were.

One in particular, with the sign AirIreland, was slowly backing away from the massive doors.

I was late.

I was too late.

I ignored the guard as I walked closer to the window, I watched quietly as the plane began to run down until it slowly rose into the air, and left...Thats when my phone began to ring.

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