31. When the Darkness Comes

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31. When the Darkness Comes

Before the chapter starts, I just wanted to give you some news.

Fake Fiancée won't be ending!

I have changed what I originally had planned to make it longer. It won't have two parts like Let's Pretend did, it will just be a very long book I guess. I might do 10-15 chapters more maybe more, i'm not sure, depending on how long the chapters are, and I will be updating every Saturday starting next Saturday.

That's why I hope everyone will be tweeting #FakeFianceeSaturdays for support.

My twitter username is @musiicnotes (you should tots follow)

And yeah! (:

Now on to the good stuff....

“I’ll be here waiting, hoping, praying, that this light will guide you home. When you’re feeling lost I’ll leave my love, hidden in the sun, for when the darkness comes.” - Colbie Caillat.



   It was our last day in England, and in all honesty, apart from feeling the sadness over again of leaving my home I was worried about my relationship with Andie. Everything was going so smooth right now, we spent our days in a routine, wake up together, eat together, go out together and finally sleep together. I loved it. I loved it here and she knew it too.  I loved it so much that one day I had offered her to move here with me. To have a life together without the drama we had in New York.  

 She didn’t reply, she just smiled as if she had been in deep thought. Maybe she didn’t want to live here, after all, she had lived in New York her entire life, what would make her leave her home to move here. . .

  Me... I hope.

My arms tightened around her as we waited in line for our flight. My mom and my sister had probably already left after hugging the life out of us and embarrassing me more than they already had. Andie found it hilarious, like always.

  “I’m going to miss it here.” She whispered, sinking her head further into my chest.

“Me too,” I whispered back. Not caring about the fact that our bodyguards and some people were staring. Some of my fans had come to see me, and after some of them yelled pretty nice.. kinky.. and bad things, I was glad to see the look in Andie’s face. She wasn’t mad, or even hurt by them, like Talia was, and just that small moment reminded me of what made me fall for her.

  We were let through the security, and even though we weren’t going to fly back in a private jet, I had gotten us first class tickets.

  “Remember you have a long day tomorrow Harry, so try to rest as much as you can.” One of my bodyguards spoke, and I nodded swiftly at him. With Andie it was so easy to forget the life I have.

 .   .   .   .  

  “Okay, tell me, out of all the places you’ve been, which one was your favorite?”  Andie asked me,  looking at our hands as we laid back on the seats. We were thumb wrestling and talking about whatever came to our heads as we waited to go home. We had only been on the flight for three hours and it was already driving me insane. The want to hear her moan my name right now.

   “Ummm.... I don’t want to sound cheesy... but I would say New York.” I replied, smiling over at her before placing my thumb over hers.

  “Why?” She asks, surprised, and unlike before, not caring of the fact that I had again beat her at the game.

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