11. Safe and Sound

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11. Safe and Sound

"You'll be alright, none can hurt you now." - Taylor Swift


I miss the days when I was strong, when I was tough, and when I didn't have to blink to tell someone to fuck off. I miss the only thing that let me be who I was, I was fearless, I was strong, and sadly, there was only one thing that could ever make me feel that way.

It was my doom and my salvation.

I ignored the stares of everyone I pushed through, the place I needed to go wasn't far, and I was hopeful enough to believe Harry wouldn't bother to run after me.

After all I was just a charity case now.

What is wrong with me? I thought I was stronger than this, way stronger than this. I stopped a block away from my destination, my heart finally connecting to my head. I worked too damn hard to fall here again, I can't let this get to me. I can't let anything get to me.

I looked back at the street where I had been, Harry must've been worried sick. That was the problem with me, I dragged everyone down with me. I slowly began walking back, trying to keep my head in the right place when it happened.

He came running towards me, his face was red, and sweat ran from his forehead to his face as if he has been running without any stop. In the same second that my mind realized he was here, he got ahold of my shoulders and crashed me against his chest.

I gasped at the roughness of his chest against my face but gave in quickly, and pressed my head into his chest. The smell of peppermint, cologne, and detergent filled my nose in an scent I could only recognize as Harry.

I didn't mean to, but the tears just flowed freely as Harry took me in his comfort. I felt so safe, like nothing could hurt me, like I could trust him, like he could protect me. I sobbed into his chest and Harry simply hugged me, his hand rubbed back and put his head on my hair.

"I-I'm sorry," I croaked. "I shouldn't have ran from you, I - I just feel so trapped." I broke out in tears again.

"I'm trapped." I sobbed.

He grabbed my hair and brushed it to my back. "If you're trapped you know I will always get you out. I know we got off in the wrong foot when we met, but I- I hate seeing you like this."

I kept my head on his chest as I listened to him, but broke away after he stopped talking. I had been right after all. "So you're only being nice because you pity me?" I tried to sound hard, but my voice kept breaking.

I took a step back as he took a step forward. "No, of course not, I-"

"Don't, I'm not weak, I don't need you to treat me as if I am." I glared at him.

He shook his head, he looked so sad, the pity was clear. "That's not it, I know you're not weak, I just-"

"No Harry, just fuck off, I'm not some charity case, just go back to Talia." I scowled at him, and turned around, but as I began walking away I felt Harry's hand pry me back.

"Look- I'm - I'm not good at this type of thing, but right now I feel like, I feel like I need to protect you. I feel like it's just something I have to do and you're just making it much harder than it needs to be." He groaned.

"That's it! That's pity, pity is all you feel for me."

Harry's hands grabbed my wrist and he pulled me to him, his eyes locked with mine and I froze by all the emotion he held in them. "I don't know what it is, okay? But I do know it's not pity. I just know that I will never let anyone lay a finger on you ever again, okay? Now stop being stubborn and let's go pick up your mother."

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