24. Never Be

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24. Never Be

"I need your love to guide me back home, when I'm with you I'm never alone. I need to feel you, feel you tonight, I need to tell you that it's alright." - 5SOS

Dedication to @alternativeharry for wonderful banner to the side.


It was like my stomach was suddenly filled with knots, and butterflies and lions and dancing leprechauns and I was ignited. I shut my eyes when his frozen lips began to correspond with mine and my hand went to the back of his head, where my fingers wrapped around his soft hair and I brought him closer.

Seemed like he had just gotten ignited too, because he let out a loud sound that seemed to be between a moan and a groan and his hands squeezed my shoulders. I felt goose bumps begin to rise on my skin and when the sharp ring of Harry's phone demanded attention, we both pulled back quickly - breathlessly.

He looked at me, adoringly and I could hear the beat of my frantic heart beat on my ears as he reached over and grabbed his phone, which hadn't stopped ringing and he answered without looking at the screen.

"Hello?" He spoke into the phone, but his eyes stayed glued on mine and they held a glint of happiness and excitement. But quickly, after the person replied he turned his eyebrows furrowed and he held the phone tightly.

"What? Are you alright?" He spoke worriedly, and rushed into the phone. I looked at him perplexed. "Do you want me to call Luke?" He asked, and I couldn't help but wonder who it was.

"Okay I'll be there in a bit, yes, I'll be alone." He groaned and turned the phone off without saying goodbye. I just sat there staring at him blankly.

He turned to me and I caught his worried stare before clearing my throat, "is everything alright?" I asked carefully. "Who was that?"

"Talia," he answered shortly, "someone just went to the café and robbed them, the police is there and she's hurt." He said rapidly, and I don't know why but my stomach dropped a bit.

He was worried about her.

Because he loves her.

"Is she alright?" I spoke halfheartedly, looking away from his gaze immediately.

He nodded, "I'm going there now, do you mind catching a ride with someone else? She wants me to go alone." He explained, and my heart's rate increased.

What the hell was I thinking when I asked him to make me like him? He loves her and he always will and I'm just very, very, stupid. "Yeah that's fine," I nearly whispered, and opened the door before he could say anything else.

But then I heard him call out, "Andie, wait," he rolled down his window. I reluctantly turned around to face him. He looked regretful.


"I'm sorry."

I shook my head, and tried my best to smile. "It's okay, I'll get Luke to drive me or something." I said reassuringly, but instead of relief he frowned even further and scoffed a small okay. I began to turn around again, and after igniting the car he called me again.

"We will talk about that later." He said to me, his eyes looking straight into mine and his lips formed a brighter smile. I couldn't help the blush that crept to my cheeks.

I bet he's going to reject you. For her.

And then he drove away, and I stood there with my arms around myself watching as he drove deeper and deeper into the street.

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