10. Devil May Cry

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10. Devil May Cry

"It won't be in vain to swallow all your pain, and learn to love what burns, and gather courage to return..." - The Weeknd


One word

One syllable

Four letters


Pain was the only thing in my mind right now, pain was what shot through me with every beat my heart took, pain was what I felt every time I heard the constant beeping sound, and lastly, pain was what I experience right away after my eyes slowly opened. The dim light was the only thing I was able to see through my barely opened eyes, but the more I looked the more colors began to appear. There was a figured, dressed in all black in the corner of the room; it was just standing there, making no movements.

Everything slowly began to clear up, and I was finally able to recognize Harry's worried face. I don't know why, but it felt like I was looking at an angel, he looked sad, so sad, and I wished I could just stand up and give him a hug. His eyes squinted and widened a few seconds later, and I think he may have realized I was awake.

I don't know why, everything felt so weird, my body hurt, my head hurt, and somehow, my soul hurt too. What happened to me? Why was I even here in so much pain in the first place? With the look in Harry's face I knew it wasn't good. Something really bad must have happened to me if Harry Styles a.k.a Dickwad is actually worried about me.

I began to shift on the bed. "Wha..." I croaked but when I moved a sharp pain thrust through me my sentence was stopped short.

He took a step towards my bed, his hands in front of him. "No, don't... don't move." He said worriedly, his eyes studying me. I just looked at him and blinked before rolling my eyes at him. Relief washed over his face and he fell back on the red hospital couch and covered his face with his hands.

"Thank god, thank god," He muttered repeatedly to himself.

He looked up at me again and smiled. I quirked one eyebrow up.

"I don't know what happened," I said as he began to stand up. "But sure as hell you're probably exagg-"

Before I knew what was going on, Harry was holding my face in his hands. "Do you know how worried I was?" He groaned, and when I was about to reply he instinctively lent down and kissed my cheek. I froze. He began rapidly kissing my face before his lips finally connected with mine.

My heart stopped in its place and suddenly the memory of last night rushed through me. I don't know what happened next but I was suddenly pushing Harry of me, the images of Rick with his lips on mine hunting me away.

"No!" I shouted. "Get away, get away!" I yelled at him, putting my hands on my ears and ignoring the pain as I brought my knees up to hug them. Harry jumped back instantly, his eyes opened wide as he watched me begin to scratch the hell out of my arm. It was itchy, it was itchy everywhere. I wanted it to stop.

"Make it stop!" I cried. "Make it stop please!" Harry stared at me in shock, before shouting out for the nurse.

The doctor and the nurse both immediately came in, while I, I continued screaming, the itching and the images never left. I felt someone grab my arm to stop me from scratching my arm and when I looked up at him, Harry's angelic face turned into Rick's.

I shrieked.

Everyone was yelling now, and I screamed when the nurse stuck a needle on my neck. My entire body froze, and in three small seconds my unconsciousness left me and my head fell on Harry's hard but warm shoulder.

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