21. I See Fire

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21. I See Fire

  “If this is to end in fire, then we should all burn together.” – Ed Sheeran




       I don’t think your mind realizes how big of a mistake you’ve made until the consequences are upon you. I think that of course, you clearly knew what you were doing but you never actually do know anything until it’s time to face the mistakes you’ve made. And I also think that the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life was agree to participate in something like this without thinking about the results.

   And I also think Harry never thought that either, I don’t think he thought at all when he grabbed me that day in that Walmart – well I don’t think he even had time to think, but he didn’t, and now he’s also realizing the mistakes he’s made.

  Funny how such a hard hit can make you realize so many things at once.

He blinked a few times, before focusing his eyes on mine. “What?”

  I wiped my tear away, “you heard me,” I nearly whispered. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”

  His eyes narrowed on me and he stood up from the bed, sinking his hands into his curls and tugging lightly at them as he looked around. “You’re joking, right?” He plead, turning back to look at me. I shook my head.

  “I’m not in the best condition right now…” I began.

“Then we’ll wait, I’ll wait, you can’t just say I’m leaving and simply quit,” he said, shaking his head.

“It’s for the best, it’s the best for you, for me, for Talia, for everyone…”

  He stared at me incredulously. “The best? Are you fucking joking right now?”

I stood up from the bed slowly and dizziness overcame me, it was as if I had forgotten how to walk, or maybe because I hadn’t eaten in a bite, but I shut my eyes in response before I felt Harry’s arm snake around my waist to stop me from falling forward. He steadied me.  

  I leaned my head in his shoulder while my body was sort of just limp, he held me in his arms. “Easy now,” he whispered, when I began to sway from side to side. One of his hands moved to my back while the other stayed around my waist, and he held me tightly yet gently.

His hand grabbed one of mine, which were around his torso and he moved it up to his chest. There, I felt his heart pound probably faster than mine did. “I can’t just throw this away, Andie,” he whispered, and his hand gave mine a squeeze on his chest.

  I immediately pulled away from him, but his hand stayed on my waist while his other held mine. “I feel better now,” I said, silently begging him to stop.

  “Don’t… don’t ruin us before we’ve even gotten a chance to experience it,” he said, his eyes locked in mine as he began to lean in. His nose touched mine, and unexpectedly, I didn’t feel the tingles and everything else I used to feel when we were this close.

   I looked away, and yanked my hand out of his before walking past him. Ignoring the dizziness that overcame me all over again.

  He stood next to my bed, his eyes on the floor before I opened the door, and looked a little sideway at him, but kept my gaze down. “I’ll call Amanda.” I informed him, before walking out the door and shutting it behind me.

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