18. Dark Horse

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18. Dark Horse

“Are you ready for, ready for, a perfect storm?” – Katy Perry



     The tour had started and while the boys prepared for the concert tonight I went shopping with Liz, who had joined us because she was replacing the boy’s stylist. I wasn’t in a rush to see either Harry or Luke. I had been avoiding them both since yesterday when I spent the entire day with Harry and he showed me one of his multiple sides. It was fun, silly, and it felt like we truly were a couple. Mostly when he dropped me off at home and kissed me goodbye. But I realized there was probably just a pap outside.

  I didn’t want to feel this way for Harry, he was Harry and the chance of us happening was as small as the chance of Talia keeping the truth hidden for longer. I was tired of seeing her toy around with both Luke and Harry and acting like a complete victim. I promised I wouldn’t tell Harry but I did tell Liz, and we were both ranting about how we never liked her in the first place.

  “She looked to innocent, way to innocent and I knew she probably wasn’t that way!” Liz exclaimed as we made our way to Victoria’s Secret – her choice of store by the way.

 I nodded in agreement. “I thought that too! I even found her nice for a bit there, but what a liar.”

  “And a whore,” she scoffed, and I almost laughed.  

“Question, why are we in Victoria’s Secret?” I asked, inching my eyebrow up. She gave me a mischievous smile and picked up one of the lingerie pieces of the stack.

  She put it in front of her body. And smiled excitedly. “For you, and Harry, of course.” She sent me a small win. Another thing is, I spilled her on everything, how Harry and I were only pretending and how I may have fallen for him just a little tiny bit. She worked for Modest! So I knew she wouldn’t go tell the press.

  Ever since, she had been planning on how to get Harry to my feet.

I grabbed the thing from her hand and put it back on the pile, “don’t think that will be happening.” I rolled my eyes. Even though Harry and I agreed to have some sort of benefits we hadn’t done anything. I think it was the awkwardness that came from it.

  “He totally wants you.” She laughed, and then linked my arms with her. It was nice to finally have a female friend.  I’ve always only had Danny, and now that we’re on the road it’s good to have someone to share my thoughts with.

  “He totally wants anything that can breathe and has a female body.”  I replied, and she rolled my eyes at me as we both entered a new store.

  .   .    .     .   (watch you all be like ‘the first dot is mine’)

We had barely opened the door when a flying burrito came into our direction and crashed against the hotel door. Liz jumped, and her arms flung around me as if I was going to protect her from the food. We both let out a high pitched scream when the boys came forward laughing.

  They were all covered in food and most of them had food in their hand.

Guess that’s what happens when you leave nine boys alone.

“Want to explain why there’s Mexican food all around the room?” I asked, my nose crinkling in disgust. The room looked more horrible than they did. The walls were covered in cheese meat and salsa. Liam stepped out from one of the rooms and he looked as surprised as we did. At least there’s one responsible boy in the bunch.

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