2. Contracts

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2. Contracts

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          On a moment like this I think I would need thousands of dictionaries or links that would explain a single, simple word to me; marriage.

What does it mean? What does it require? Why do people do it? It's just a sign on paper. But from what I was taught, marriage was a way to show someone you loved them, so when Harry freaking Styles asked me to marry him I froze. 

              Of course things were still moving around me but it was as if time had just suddenly stopped on me, like I stood there thinking of billions of possibilities to why Harry Styles would ask me to marry him.

Unless it was a joke....

             "Are you trying to be funny?" I muttered, my surprisingly cracked, and went way higher than what I expected it to be.

Harry's face was completely serious though, he looked scared even, and the fact that he wasn't laughing at me scared me even more. What is even happening.


          When I realized he wasn't going to answer my question, I spoke. "Why would you want to marry me?"

It sounded as if I was insulting myself, sure, I wouldn't ask that if it was someone else randomly asking me to marry them, but this is Harry Styles we're talking about here. Harry Styles teenage heartthrob and all time player.

Why would he want to get committed to someone.

            His eyes met mine, and he opened his eyes to say something before closing it, and then opening it again. "Look, I know what you're thinking and trust me it's none of it."

I really just want to get off this van and go hide in a closet or something. "Then whatever it is, please explain to me because there's no absolute reason to why you would want to marry me." My mouth was still hanging open, showing how shocked and confused I still was.


         His sweaty hand ran through his mop of curls, and his eyes tightly shut before he opened them again to look at me. "I'm sure you've heard, everyone has heard, all the rumors going around about me." He sighed.

I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Well management found a way to stop those rumors.... and that was to get me a fiancée, a stable relationship that even though it's fake has to appear nothing but real."

Nothing real... Who would want to get married without actually being in love?

I sighed and mirrored his actions by running a hand through my messy hair. My hands were cold and sweaty. "And why did you... Why did you even choose me? I bet you don't even know my name.." All of this wasn't making any sense to me.


"It was just the moment! They were all shoving the cameras at my face and screaming, trust me, I've been through it before but never with his much capacity. I knew I had to do something to get them off my back..." He muttered, before sighing and looking at me. "And you were there, without thinking I grabbed you and blurted out things I totally shouldn't have."

He called me his fiancée in front of all those people, no wonder those people were trying to shove a microphone down my throat just to hear me speak.

          I felt my mouth go dry just by imagining how many more of those people will now bother me. I felt my temper rise, anger taking over my senses.

My eyes narrowed at Harry, and from his expression I knew he could tell I was going to yell.

            "And what the hell makes you think I would have agreed to this! You don't know me! You you..." I could feel the tears beginning to fill my eyes. This was a bad habit of mine, whenever I got extremely angry or scared I cried.. or in rare cases hit something.


"Just hear me out! I really have no choice in this, I already told those people you were it and if I now say something else it might turn into something huge, we'll get called liars and just... just come with me okay? We're going to talk to management and I'm sure they will explain everything to you and I'm so..." He took a deep breath, I could tell he didn't like this anymore than I did but still... marriage.. "I'm so sorry." he sighed.

          He looked tired.. annoyed, and just simply sad. I couldn't help but wonder if management is the one that controls all the rumors about the poor boy.

And I wanted a real explanation so...

"Sure, let's go." I groaned, and he flashed me a smile and whispered something in the big guys ear.


           Shortly after that, we were walking our way inside the big building that controlled this boy's life, and to be honest I was shitting bricks. What will they tell me? Will I really have to get married to this guy? I just...

"What's your name by the way?" Harry asked, his voice interrupting my thoughts. Oh the irony, not knowing his fiancées name, what a crime.

"Andie." I shortly replied as we got into the big elevator. We stayed quiet the way through, and when the elevator door opened on the 34th floor, I heard him whisper.


             The receptionist gave Harry and a nod as we walked by, seems as if they were already expecting him because when he opened the door to the main office the woman inside didn't seem surprised at all.

"Harry," she simply said.

"Amanda." Harry replied. Was this their way of greet?

Her eyes fell on me next, her expression holding nothing at all but boredom. "I see you've found someone."

Harry didn't reply, instead he took a seat in one of the black leather couches in front of the office. Shouldn't the other boys be here too? This involves them too.... And all the other members of management? But from what I'm guessing Amanda is the main one.

"I'm sure you saw it already, I had no choice but to grab her."

"You know, still here." I mumbled, raising my hand up.

               Amanda shot me a glare and I scowled back at her. If it is like Harry explained and they need me in this, she better calm her tits down or I'm not going to do anything.

"You did have a choice Harry." She angrily said, completely ignoring me. "You could've made a run for it, not grab an immature girl who even if she would help you would probably mess it up!"

I swear, this bitch is crossing the line. "That's it, I'm done. Good luck Harry, I can't stand this bitch." I angrily stomped to the door, and before I closed it I heard Harry cuss.

           "Wait! Andie! Ugh, Amanda, you know we have no choice but her anymore right? What's your fucking problem." He sounded desperate, but I didn't want to get deeper into that mess. They can just find someone else, I'm sure the paparazzi didn't take that many pictures.

          I got to the elevator, and waited patiently for the doors to open when Harry grabbed my shoulders, he was completely breathless. "Don't go, please, she promised to behave..." he breathlessly said.

"You know Harry, I really don't have to put up wi-"

"I know, but please."

He again, gave me that puppy eyed look that honestly worked for me no matter who it was, and without saying anything I just sighed and walked back into the office not knocking at all.

"What do you want from me?" I groaned.

          Amanda was on the phone, and she shot me a look before putting the phone down again.

"Simple, pretend to be Harry's fiancée."

"I won't actually have to marry him, right?" I looked sideways at Harry who quietly looked at the wall.

Amanda rolled her eyes and stood up from her chair. "Of course not, just six months of it and you're done..."

"I don't know... I don't think I'll have time with my job and everything." I sighed. And it was true. I can't just quit my only way of money for this.

             "Of course we're going to pay you, stupid. probably more than your job does."

Okay see, now I'm interested. I get payed 9 dollars an hour in Walmart...

"How much exactly." I questioned.

A smile grew on her lips, and she sent Harry a look before turning to me. "About twenty thousand dollars for every appearance you make with him." she smiled.

         I swear of I had a drink I would spit it out, but I'm sure my reaction told exactly what I was thinking. Who can say no to this? Who knows how many times Harry and I will make appearances in six months... I'll probably be rich by then!

"So are you in, or are you out?" She asked, picking up a mug of coffee from the table.

Again, who can say no to this?

I looked at Harry one more time, before turning to Amanda.

"I'm in."

A/N: nothing to say, please vote and comment!

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